Chapter 1020 Griffon (33)
By the time it got dark, Avril Lavigne had already learned several brand-new Dou Qi Slashes: the triple wave Dou Qi Slash created by accumulating the Dou Qi; the Flame Wave Dou Qi Slash that compressed the Dou Qi and added high-temperature damage; The fighting energy of both ends of the fighting energy is unbalanced, forming a flame knife fighting energy that rotates irregularly and cuts lethality; the sputtering fighting energy that compresses the chaotic fighting energy and splashes dozens of small fighting energy after hitting the target; sends out dozens of small fighting energy in an instant A subtle Dou Qi Slash, combined into a whirlwind Dou Qi Slash that circles and kills, and so on.

In one day, Li Feng researched at least ten kinds of Dou Qi Slash, each of which seemed to open a new door to Avril Lavigne, and Xiao Nizi absorbed and digested these intoxicated The magical technique that has never been seen in the Titan Continent has been practiced continuously. If Li Feng had not had enough pills for Avril to restore her vitality, she would have exhausted her fighting spirit and collapsed from exhaustion.

In order not to destroy the beautiful scenery on the shore, when Avril Lavigne releases Dou Qi Slash, she always stands on the edge of the small lake, venting the power of Dou Qi Slash directly into the lake, setting off white waves on the lake.

There are several amphibious monsters living in the small lake, and there is even a mid-level monster, but they were easily torn into pieces by Avril Lavigne's fighting spirit, without even a chance to escape.

The Dou Qi Slash of a high-ranking swordsman is inherently tyrannical. Under Li Feng's powerful transformation, if the speed of the attack and the timing of the attack are not counted, in terms of power alone, the power of the Dou Qi Slash issued by Avril Lavigne is already very close to that of a sword. holy strong.

Li Feng also taught Avril Lavigne the technique of speeding up her strikes without reducing the power of Dou Qi Slash.In fact, this is also derived from the skill of accumulating fighting energy. In an instant, several fleeting bursts of fighting energy are carried out, so as to accumulate enough strength to send out fighting energy.Compared with Avril Lavigne's normal attack, this method consumes slightly less fighting energy, but it is more powerful. What's more, this method can at least shorten the time for Avril Lavigne to send out fighting energy by half.

Chapter 302

Seeing that Avril was practicing vigorously, Li Feng decided not to rush to grab the mount for the time being, and built a small wooden house by the small lake.

When Avril Lavigne had fully mastered the thirteen types of grudge release techniques, the wooden house by the small lake had been completed, and even some simple but exquisite furniture had been arranged.

Although the wooden house is small, it has all internal organs. Li Feng also carved many beautiful patterns on it, making the exquisite house full of romantic interest.

A water pavilion was set up on the lake, and sitting on the floor, you can stretch your feet out to the lake to play in the water.It's a pity that although this place is not Heimuya, it's just as chilly. It's estimated that no one is interested in doing this.

Avril's nostrils smelled a tempting aroma of barbecue, and suddenly realized that her little belly was already hungry, and the sky was almost completely dark.

Li Feng set up the table and tableware in front of the wooden house, and greeted with a smile: "Come and eat first, and tomorrow I will teach you how to cultivate Dou Qi."

(End of this chapter)

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