The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1035: Disaster of the Undead

Chapter 1035: Disaster of the Undead (12)
In Li Feng's eyes, the black iron levitation armor is a priceless treasure, but for the dwarves, the process of forging the black iron levitation armor can satisfy their sense of accomplishment even more.The goals they pursue are different, so of course Li Feng can't fathom the mind of the dwarf patriarch.

Since you can't figure it out, don't think too much. Anyway, with Heimuya's strength, Li Feng doesn't worry that the dwarf patriarch will change his mind at all.

The Black Iron Levitation Armor is not only easy to wear, but also easy to recycle.Li Feng sat on the box, and the dwarf patriarch shook the handle behind his back. In no more than three breaths, the battle armor covering Li Feng's body was peeled off layer by layer, and it was backfilled into the box, which was amazing.

Li Feng put away the nine boxes, but handed the last box to Avril Lavigne, and said with a smile: "Dragon knight wearing black iron levitation armor, isn't it an insult to dwarves' craftsmanship?"

The patriarch of the dwarves showed joy, and said with a smile: "The powerful dragon knight will definitely make the reputation of the black iron levitation armor to a higher level. This is the honor of the Black Rock tribe. How can it be considered a humiliation?"

Avril took over the armor in surprise, and smiled sweetly at Li Feng.

Although Avril had been mentally prepared for a long time, the boss would definitely leave a set of armor for her, but actually holding the armor in her hands still made her feel agitated.With the tyrannical attack power of the giant dragon, coupled with the unparalleled defense of the black iron levitation armor, her combat power must increase exponentially.

Avril couldn't wait to put on the armor, and walked around excitedly. Looking at her, it was obvious that she would not take off the armor for a while.

Li Feng put away a few boxes of arrowheads, and asked Chief Tekerin about the terrain where the mine was encountered and the general strength of the gray dwarves.

No matter how much you say, it's not as good as going to investigate in person. After asking for a long time, Li Feng went to see the mine in person.

The entrance to the mine is less than 10 minutes away from the dwarven village, and it will be there soon.

However, the results of the investigation made Li Feng frown a little. He originally planned to go down to the entrance of the underground world to have a look, but the narrowness of the mine made him dismiss this idea.

The height of the mine is based on the height of dwarves. Li Feng is already considered short among humans, but he still has to bow his waist to enter the mine, and he will be knocked if he is not careful.

In this case, his agility must be greatly compromised, his strength will definitely drop sharply, and there is no room to dodge. If he encounters a gray dwarf with infinite strength in the mine, Li Feng might be taken aback. Big loss.

Seeing that Li Feng hesitated at the entrance of the mine, the patriarch of the dwarves guessed the reason. Expanding the entrance of the mine was not a difficult task for the dwarves who haunted the mine all year round. However, the proposal of the patriarch of the dwarves was temporarily put on hold. In a hurry, we have to wait for the arrival of Heimuya's army.

It was not long after noon at this time, and it took only half an hour to go back to Heimuya.Li Feng originally planned to let Avril go back and report a letter, but considering the power of the gray dwarves, it is better to bring more people to be safe, so Li Feng said goodbye to the dwarf patriarch and led the army of monsters to set sail again.

(End of this chapter)

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