The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1039: Disaster of the Undead

Chapter 1039: Disaster of the Undead (16)
The fire lion dog Xiaohong was the first to run forward to welcome the owner back. The loyal dog wagged its tail and licked Li Feng's heels affectionately with its tongue.

Nana and Algernon were also on the top of the cliff. Their eyes were full of concern, but they didn't go up to meet Li Feng. They just exchanged glances with Li Feng, because Ferdinand, the second master, had already walked to Li Feng's side first.

The threat of the necromancer was imminent, and the dedicated chief executive didn't talk too much nonsense, and briefly explained the process of discovering the necromancer.

The elf sky knight with sharp eyesight patrolled the surrounding area. Heimuya had already discovered the necromancer a few hours ago, but because he was afraid of his strange and insidious means, Heimuya did not act rashly, but kept paying attention to it. The movement of the necromancer.

According to the observation of the Elf Sky Knight, driven by the necromancer, this group of zombies came straight towards Heimuya, with a very clear purpose. If Li Feng hadn't come back in time, Heimuya would have been unable to bear it. Launched an attack on the Necromancer.

Although the zombies moved slowly, that was relatively speaking. They walked a little faster than ordinary people. After Ferdinand explained what happened, the zombies had already appeared in everyone's sight one after another.

Just now, all the attention was focused on the skeleton thunder beast, Li Feng finally saw the appearance of the zombie clearly, and his brows could not help but frown tightly.

These zombies have obviously not been dead for a long time. Some zombies are still dripping with disgusting carrion. Unlike skeleton warriors, zombies do not know how to use weapons. The corpse poison contained in their minions is the best weapons.

The focus of Li Feng's attention is that the clothes on these zombies seem familiar.

Ferdinand turned his head and looked at Li Feng, and said in a deep voice: "These zombies are mostly robbers from other cottages, and their clothes look very messy. It seems that this necromancer has not only raided one cottage."

Ferdinand's words confirmed Li Feng's judgment. He nodded, leaned over and picked up Little Moonlight, who was running happily, and squinted his eyes at the zombies under the cliff.

"Master, how come there are so many necromancers suddenly? Is it true that the plague of the undead is about to reappear on the mainland?" Avril was a little afraid to look at Nana, and seemed to hide by Li Feng's side.

Ferdinand looked at the ferocious armor on Avril's body in surprise. Although he couldn't recognize the origin of the armor, he could see the extraordinaryness of the armor, but now he didn't have time to ask about the armor. Ferdinand understood the implication of Avril's words, and said in horror : "The plague of the undead? Avril, have you encountered other necromancers?"

Avril opened her mouth, and was about to explain, when Li Feng suddenly ordered: "Second leader, let all the members of the air cavalry group prepare to shoot their guns, to deal with zombies, the lethality of bows and arrows is not enough."

Ferdinand shuddered slightly in his heart, and turned his head to command his subordinates.

Before Li Feng left last time, he had already explained that the weapons of the sky knights are not only bows and arrows, the javelins thrown in the air are even more lethal, but the throwing guns cannot carry too much, and the accuracy is not as good as bows and arrows, so we can only As an auxiliary weapon of the Air Cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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