The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1044: Disaster of the Undead

Chapter 1044: Disaster of the Undead (21)
Harriet ignored the skeleton thunder beast and ran gracefully in the air all the way back to Blackwood Cliff.

Harriet was greeted with applause, and the performance of the unicorn was worthy of its prestigious reputation as a top monster.Everyone didn't know why the skeleton thunder beast suddenly turned into a soft-legged shrimp. They thought it was the hands and feet of the unicorn, and they had a high opinion of the strength of the unicorn.

However, the cheers soon stopped, losing the control of the Necromancer, the zombies would attack any nearby creatures instinctively. At this time, the crowded Blackwood Cliff became the first choice for the zombies.

Although the zombies have no intelligence, their fighting instinct is still there, and they know how to find their way. They swarm towards the corridor.

Without Li Feng's order, Avril Lavigne has already led her air cavalry group into the air, attacking the zombies.

The dragon's breath should be the most effective against zombies, but in order to test the strength of her subordinates, Avril did not let the dragon participate in the battle, but just stood aside.

The purple-crowned eagle knights seem to have been trained, and the javelins they throw are pretty good.The three-meter-long javelin was dropped from a height of several hundred meters, and its lethality was astonishing, often directly nailing the entire zombie to the ground.However, zombies can only be completely killed by blowing their heads completely, so the zombies nailed to the ground are still struggling instinctively to get up.

The elf sky knights did not use javelins, because the weapons of javelins were too rough and did not meet the elves' pursuit of beauty, but the feathered arrows they shot were very accurate.To deal with the evil undead creatures like zombies, the elf warriors showed no mercy. All the feather arrows went towards the heads of the zombies. Almost all the zombies died after being shot in the head by the elf warriors.

After a shower of arrows, the forest elf tribe's arrows were almost exhausted, and in the end they even used semi-finished feather arrows without arrowheads.However, with the archery skills of the elf archers and the head of the zombie is not considered hard, as long as the bowstring is rounded, the feather arrow without the arrowhead can still blow the head of the zombie.

At the end of the battle, the giant dragon gave the zombie a gorgeous cremation with the last fire, marking a successful end to this biohazard campaign.

"Harriet, thank you for your generosity." Li Feng sincerely thanked Harriet, and the titles were quite affectionate without adding any polite prefixes.

If it weren't for the unicorn who is immune to the curse of the undead, he, the head of the family, might have to be sucked dry by the curse of flesh and blood sacrifice today, so he said thank you very sincerely.

The insidiousness of undead magic made Li Feng shudder just thinking about it, and now he still has lingering fears.

"Actually, the biggest hero today should be Fire Lion Dog Xiaohong. It wasn't that it made the necromancer's skeleton pet completely lose its fighting power, and I couldn't kill the necromancer so easily." Harriet's elegant and pleasant voice came The minds of everyone present.

Only then did Li Feng realize that the fire lion dog had already rushed towards the skeleton thunder beast at the bottom of the cliff at some point, barking wildly while running.

(End of this chapter)

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