The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1057: Disaster of the Undead

Chapter 1057: Disaster of the Undead (34)
The gray dwarves began to appear at the entrance of the mine at the moment the crows called. The giant dragon was the first to notice the abnormality and sounded the alarm, and then remained in a stalemate.

Li Feng looked past the jumping flames, and could only see a few indistinct black shadows at the entrance of the mine, his true energy quickly flowed, and his eyes gathered, Li Feng finally saw the appearance of the gray dwarf clearly.

Except for the gray skin, the gray dwarves are not much different from ordinary dwarves, except that their bodies are stronger and their muscles are knotted, as if they contain explosive power.Their beards were also braided, and the gray dwarf warriors at the entrance of the cave all had more than three braids.But presumably the strength assessment of gray dwarves should be different from ordinary dwarves, otherwise the strength of gray dwarves would be too terrifying.

The gray dwarves at the entrance of the cave did not hold weapons in their hands, but sprinkled handfuls of black powder from their hands and fell into the flames. The nearby flames would immediately darken, which was very miraculous.

Li Feng suddenly felt something strange. The light in the mine was very dim, but under such circumstances, he could still see the powder in the gray dwarf's hand clearly, which seemed a bit inconceivable.

Li Feng turned his eyes away from the flames, and the black night had no hindrance to him. He could even see clearly a corner of a small bird's nest protruding from the layers of branches and leaves on the big tree in the distance.

Is this too exaggerated?Li Feng's eyes widened, and a strange purple lightning flashed in his eyes.

The two girls beside him were the first to notice the abnormality. Avril had already seen it before, and she was able to cover her mouth in time, but Nana couldn't help but exclaimed: "Alan, your eyes..."

With a thought in Li Feng's heart, he instantly erected a water mirror in front of him, and the purple lightning flashed and disappeared in his eyes, making his image very strange.

He first discovered that the lightning in his eyes was beating in the daytime, so he didn't discover the secret. It turned out that after the mutated zhenqi, there was even a lightning eye skill attached, which was really cool to be able to ignore the darkness.

However, the lightning eye is not without flaws. The jumping purple lightning will reveal Li Feng's whereabouts. While he can see the enemy clearly, the enemy will also find him. There really is no free lunch in the world.

A prospector from the Black Rock Dwarf tribe ran over and saw the purple lightning flashing in Li Feng's eyes. He was stunned for a long time before stammering: "Master Alan, the gray dwarves seem to have avoided the entrance of the mine and are digging a tunnel." , Shall we surround their entrance with fire in advance?"

Li Feng pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "No need, we are going to mine black iron ore, and sooner or later we will fight against gray dwarves. Since the battle is inevitable, let's put the battlefield on a terrain that is beneficial to us."

The fire was raised only to avoid being attacked by the gray dwarves. In fact, Li Feng never expected that a mere fire could stop the gray dwarves. After thinking for a while, he said, "You can accurately judge the exit of their passage. ?"

(End of this chapter)

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