The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1066 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1066 Killing Giants in Seconds (7)
To deal with five tyrannical giants, Li Feng actually felt a little bit drummed, but he touched the starry sky ring on his finger, and he finally gained a little more confidence.

Although Li Feng seldom used equipment, in fact he had collected quite a few secret weapons. Just over 300 Thunder Crystal Diamonds were a big killer.

It's just a pity that the electric light released by the thunder crystal diamonds is a single-body magic, which cannot cause large-scale damage. If these thunder crystal diamonds released such spreading magic as the fire system, the eight thousand gray dwarves would have been roasted to death. coke.

Thunder crystal diamonds are not very effective against giants. The magic resistance of giants can resist even the breath of dragons. Of course, the lightning with the power of high-level magic cannot hurt giants.

However, Li Feng still has other equipment. The turtle beads and snake beads, which are almost forgotten by Li Feng, have already been held in his hands.

The snake bead was the first to show off its power. The giant was too big and could not rotate flexibly. As long as there was a second of pause, it would become the target of the snake bead.

A gray ray shot at the giant, and the giant suddenly stood still, turning into a stone statue. This guy's skin was originally gray, and after being petrified, there was no abnormality at all.

The giant's magic resistance is really crazy, almost comparable to that unlucky six-winged Balrog, and the effect of petrification begins to fade after just one breath.

However, Achilles has rich combat experience. Although he didn't know what happened to the giant, he made a decisive decision and resisted another giant's fist. With a tail hammer, he swept the petrified giant into a pile of broken stones.

Li Feng also arrived at this time, taking advantage of the moment when the four giants were distracted by the sudden change, he leaped and reached a giant's neck.

The giant came back to his senses and swung a slap like a fly, trying to slap Li Feng flat.

The giant's movements were always frozen at this moment, and a mass of piercing cold air enveloped the giant's head, blowing out his fallen soul directly.

Two of the five giants went away in an instant, and the balance of the situation was immediately broken. With a roar, the giant dragon resisted the fists of the two giants, grabbed the opponent's arms in front of him with two claws, and opened its mouth to reveal a sharp look. Teeth, directly bit off the neck of this formidable opponent.

Hitting the body with a heavy fist, the giant dragon couldn't help but let out a painful roar, spouting some blood foam.The strength of the giant is too strong, with the body of the giant dragon, even after receiving such a few punches from the giant, the eyeballs twitched violently due to the pain.

Chapter 315 Battle Statistics

The transformation magic of the gray dwarf magician is really amazing. Even if the soul has been blown out, the body still maintains the giant form.

Li Fengren still landed on the giant's shoulders, bowing left and right with both hands, and the two flying knives, which were exactly the same shape as the Black Moon Knife, shot at the eyes of the last two giants with breathtaking whistling sounds.

The flying knife is smeared with poison, but helplessly, the gray dwarf is completely immune to the poison. After transforming into a giant, this immunity can only be exaggerated, so Li Feng can only aim at the giant's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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