Chapter 107 Space Ring (30)
"Student Allen, what are you collecting those flowers and plants all the way for?" Jessica poked Li Feng with her elbow and asked curiously.

Li Feng said with a grin: "When they hunt their prey, you will know what use those flowers and plants are for."

Li Feng not only collected countless medicinal materials, he also discovered many plants that can be seasoned. These are plants that people in the Titan continent do not know the use of.

Jessica glared at Li Feng, and said dissatisfied: "I'm so nervous, I don't know what the hell is going on."

There are many monsters in the Thorn Forest, and there are more ordinary beasts, and soon the students returned with full rewards.

It's just that a few unlucky ones actually dealt with a low-level monster as an ordinary beast while hunting, and as a result, several people were injured and embarrassed.

Li Feng went to a pile of prey, picked two snow chickens, washed them by the water, took out the salt and seasoning from the space ring, spread them carefully, and took out a bunch of flowers and plants collected along the way, stuffed them in the belly of the chickens Inside and outside, I found a few big lotus leaves and wrapped them up, covered them with a layer of mud, dug a hole and buried them.

Jessica just looked inexplicably, "What are you doing? How did you bury it?"

Li Feng giggled, picked up a bunch of dead branches, and started to light a fire on them.

Jessica saw that the other students had already set up the prey and roasted it. Although every movement was awkward and she always heard someone shouting that it was burnt, there was always something to eat. Li Feng cooked the chicken like this. Buried, what to eat at night?
Jessica was the one who pushed several waves to invite her. She started to watch Li Feng handle the chicken very skillfully. She thought that Li Feng was an old hand and just waited for a while to eat. She never thought that Li Feng would bury the chicken. , There is a pile of fire on it, so don't care about it.

Jessica was a little dumbfounded.

"Student Jessica, you don't seem to have prepared any food. Come to us." This is the second time for Archibald to invite him. He just came to invite and was rejected by Jessica, but he obviously didn't give up. , always staring at this side from the corner of his eyes, seeing that Li Feng and the two actually built a fire, and did not roast the prey, and finally couldn't help but come over to invite.

Jessica hesitated for a moment, looked up at Li Feng smiling at herself, and shook her head, "No, we have prepared food."

Archibald was a little disappointed, "If you don't have enough food, you can come here anytime."

Before Archibald turned to leave, he glared at Li Feng.

Jessica stayed by Li Feng's side all day today, and there were not just one or two people in the team who were unhappy with Li Feng.

"Why don't you go with this guy? Are you afraid of going hungry?" Li Feng completely ignored the knife-like gazes in the team.

Jessica rolled her eyes, "You really want me to go there? I said, classmate Toad, what the hell are you doing? You are not really going to starve a beautiful woman, are you?"

Li Feng chuckled, "Don't worry, it will be ready soon, the beauty is in front, and Toad will definitely perform well, don't worry, my craftsmanship will never let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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