The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1070 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1070 Killing Giants in Seconds (11)
Of course, it is impossible for the gray dwarves to appear again. The giant dragon is hovering at the entrance of the passage, and a raging fire has already ignited at the entrance of the mine.Li Feng reviewed his arrogance, this fierce battle gave him a blow to the head, before he figured out a way to deal with the gray dwarves, he would not give the gray dwarves another chance to rush out.

Chapter 316 Planning

Letting the gray dwarves out and putting the battlefield on the ground was just Li Feng's temporary idea. If he had known the strength of the gray dwarf fighters and the number of them, he would never have been so hasty.

But regret is not Li Feng's style. The regret in his heart is fleeting. Now that the mistake has been made, the dead soldier cannot be resurrected. It is meaningless to continue to entangle.

While waiting for Andre and Jenny to come over with the medicinal materials, Li Feng's thoughts flickered, all he thought about was how to mine black iron ore and geomagnetic powder.

On a favorable battlefield, they were almost mauled by the gray dwarves. It is conceivable that if they enter the mine, the situation will be even more one-sided. It is absolutely difficult to mine ore.

Although the giant dragon can easily defeat the gray dwarves, with its huge size, there is no way to enter the mine.

If you want to open a passage in the mine that is enough for the dragon to enter and exit, the amount of work is really too large.If it was just a simple digging, it would not be difficult for the dwarves, but of course it cannot be that simple. There are too many factors to consider, and the most important thing to pay attention to is landslides. The wider the mine, the harder it is to guarantee this.

Moreover, the dragon still needs to fight the gray dwarves in this environment. If you don't pay attention to your movements, you may damage the protective facilities in the mine, cause a mine disaster, and bury yourself alive.

Not only the giant dragons, but also the mounts of flying monsters are not small, and the advantage of flying monsters is that they can roam the sky. Once they enter the mine, it is tantamount to binding their hands and feet and destroying their martial arts. The predicament did not help.

It is obviously even more unrealistic to rely solely on the warriors of Blackwood Cliff to protect the mining of the Black Rock Dwarves. Moreover, it is not a matter of a day or two to mine all the black iron mines. It requires a long-term garrison. The gray dwarf warriors who can be invisible will bring disaster to the warriors of Heimuya.

Li Feng's brain was almost smashed into a paste, and he still couldn't think of a clue. Until Andre and Jenny brought the medicinal materials, Li Feng was still struggling with this problem in his mind.

Although he was preoccupied with things, Li Feng's vigilance was still there. When he was dispensing the medicine, only Avril and Nana were watching.

Nana had already seen Xueyu Cream, and while watching Li Feng dispensing the medicine, she explained the origin of Xueyu Cream to Avril in a low voice.

Only then did Avril realize that her father-in-law, Algernon, had one leg disabled for a long time.No wonder when she was at Heimuya, she saw that Algernon's fighting spirit was not weak, but his sword skills seemed to have been neglected for a long time, and the movement of swinging the sword seemed very rusty.

(End of this chapter)

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