The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1073 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1073 Killing Giants in Seconds (14)
With a group of mid-level sword masters, supplemented by a fierce flying mount, and wearing a solid black iron levitation armor, the strength of Heimuya should not be too exaggerated.

The more Li Feng thought about it, the more excited he became. He wished he could turn all his ideas into reality immediately. He couldn't sit still on the grass, so he just got up and walked around. The troubles just now had been swept away.

A sudden crow drumming noise interrupted Li Feng's endless fantasy, and Li Feng's murderous aura was suddenly aroused.What happened yesterday was a bit weird, the gray dwarf appeared almost at the same time as the crow crowed, so it's hard to say that it's different today.

The drumming noise was too harsh, and the two sleeping girls were woken up. Avril communicated with the giant dragon, and there was no abnormality in the mine. It seems that superstition is always superstition and cannot be taken as true.

However, in such a noisy environment, the two girls couldn't continue to sleep, so Li Feng whistled and called Pegasus, and he decided to exterminate those annoying crows.

Crows can be regarded as the smartest birds. Li Feng has heard many stories about crows before, and crows are the representative of "filial birds". , then it can only be regarded as the life of these crows.

Looking at the sky, the place where the crow's cry came from the east is still a golden light, the distance is not too far, Pegasus just flapped its wings a few times, and it has already reached above the golden light.

As far as he could see, Li Feng's eyes widened, and immediately a burst of ecstasy welled up in his heart.

Chapter 317 Golden Crow
The golden crow, this is a very strange beast, it looks like a crow, but it has three legs, and it rolls with golden light all over its body.Ordinary adult golden crows are only the size of ordinary crows, but their growth potential is unlimited, and it is not impossible to even grow to a length of hundreds of meters. This is not without precedent.

Most golden crows have a lifespan of less than ten years, and this kind of golden crow has almost no combat effectiveness, but a few golden crows can overcome this hurdle and have a lifespan of up to a hundred years, and a very small number of them can surpass a hundred years Kan, having a lifespan of a thousand years is not the limit. There are even golden crows that can cross the threshold of ten thousand years. When this point is reached, the golden crow is already comparable to an emperor-level monster, and it is unparalleled.

There once appeared on Titan Continent a super golden crow with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years and a length of hundreds of meters. This giant inadvertently broke into the human world and caused a huge catastrophe.

Golden Crows can absorb the essence of the sun and store the abundant solar energy in their bodies. When they feel threatened, they will release a strong light, blinding the eyes of the enemy. High-level Golden Crows can even Focus solar energy to form laser beams to kill enemies.

The super giant golden crow that broke into the human world at the beginning, the solar energy stored in its body is almost inexhaustible. When it was raging in the human world, the intense brilliance it released almost made people think that there was an extra star in the sky. sun.

(End of this chapter)

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