The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1094 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1094 Killing Giants in Seconds (35)
Li Feng's domestication began very soon. The Morgan Tree is indeed a wooden head, very stubborn. The fault is not a magical hypnosis. There should be no other method of domesticating the Morgan Tree in Titan Continent.

The domestication process was so easy that Li Feng couldn't believe it. It wasn't until the more than ten Morgan trees at the forefront were domesticated one after another that Li Feng came back to his senses.

In fact, it's not surprising, after all, the wisdom of Morgan Tree is only equivalent to that of a basic monster, and even if it is slightly higher, it is still very limited.They are dead-hearted, but that doesn't help them resist hypnotism.

This forest does not look small, but it may be more appropriate to call it a small forest, because there are only about a thousand Morgan trees, but because their branches and leaves cover a wide range, some trees can even cover a radius of There are more than a hundred meters in radius, and thousands of such big trees are together, even if the branches and leaves are intertwined, it is very amazing.

Li Feng came back to replenish the fire pine oil three times in a row, and it took nearly ten hours to finally subdue all the Morgan trees.

When the hypnosis was completed and Li Feng walked out of the iron cage, he still felt that this world was really wonderful, that plants could be hypnotized.It is estimated that even in the previous life, no one would have such a crazy idea.

Magic plants have magic cores, which can be used to manipulate them. Of course, this is on the premise that the magic plants are willing to obey orders. The magic cores only accurately convey the manipulator's meaning to the magic plants.

Li Feng didn't spend any more time instilling instructions in the Morgan trees. After they were hypnotized, it was of course impossible for them to resist the manipulator's orders.The only remaining job now is to move this forest back to Blackwood Cliff.

The root system of Morgan's trees is not well developed, and they can even walk off the ground like the patron saint tree of the elves, but the speed is very slow, and they may not be able to walk a mile in a day.

But this is enough, as long as they can get off the ground, Li Feng doesn't need them to go to Heimuya by themselves.

Thousands of giant trees with a height of more than [-] meters pulled themselves out of the soil at the same time, and the movement caused was so outrageous that the onlookers almost felt that the sky and the earth were shaking.

Thick roots with mud were pulled out one by one, the tumbling soil was like waves, and the dust raised up covered the sky and the sun, as if a catastrophe had come.

The onlookers had already run away. The underdeveloped root system of the Morgan tree is relatively speaking. With their height and luxuriant branches and leaves, if the root system does not hold the ground firmly and does not need to be blown by strong winds, it would have fallen by itself a long time ago. down.

A hundred meters away from the forest, everything was buried by tumbling mud waves, and people's nostrils were filled with a damp and decaying smell.

Li Feng patted his head, and suddenly scolded him, causing everyone to look at him strangely.

"I made a mistake. I forgot that there are many magic crystals around the forest. Now they are all buried, and I have to spend a lot of effort to dig them out." Li Feng looked depressedly at the still tumbling mud waves, and he could still see them from time to time. The sparkling magic crystal is fleeting.

(End of this chapter)

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