Chapter 110 Space Ring (33)
Jessica's mouth was full, and she said vaguely: "Student Alan, how did you do it? How could the snow chicken make such a delicious taste?"

Li Feng was gobbling it up, and replied vaguely: "Haha, classmate Jessica, didn't you watch me when I was making it just now? Didn't you also see it when I was collecting the seasonings?" ?”

Jessica struggled to swallow the chicken in her mouth, "No wonder you want to collect those flowers and plants. They were originally used to make seasonings, but it seems that no one else has used these flowers and plants to make seasonings?"

Li Feng laughed, "I discovered this all, and no one in Titan Continent knows about these seasonings."

The two ate with relish, and the wafting aroma made the students next to them salivate. Looking at the charred barbecue in their hands, they thought it was nothing at first, but now they hardly had the courage to put their mouths down.

The two of them didn't care about other people's greedy eyes, the pine snow chicken was not small, but the two of them almost swallowed the bones.

Jessica threw down the last bone, touched her stomach, and suddenly her expression changed.

Li Feng asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"I ate so well," Jessica gave Li Feng a white look, "It's all your fault, it's so delicious that I ate so much."

The students who were not far away thought that Jessica had something wrong with eating, and were about to watch the excitement, but they were speechless when they heard Jessica's words.

Li Feng rolled his eyes, "It turns out that you don't like delicious food, so why don't I make some unpalatable ones for you to try next time? It's not easy to cook delicious food, but if you want to cook some unpalatable ones, that's okay Simple?"

Jessica hurriedly put on a flattering smile, "I wasn't blaming you just now, I was just praising your craftsmanship."

Li Feng smiled triumphantly.


In the evening, the night watch was done by the swordsmen students, and all the magic students got into the tents, meditated hard, and accumulated magic power.

Li Feng and Jessica talked wildly for a long time, and they didn't get into their respective tents until the little beauty was yawning.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the tent, Li Feng poured out a pile of medicinal materials from the interspatial ring, all of which are materials for refining a kind of elixir—Xiao Huan elixir, a elixir that can boost three years of hard work.

Li Feng does not have a pill furnace for alchemy, but he has his own method.

The alchemy furnace is convenient to control the temperature. On the earth, no one knows magic. Of course, one must use a alchemy furnace for alchemy. Li does not have a alchemy furnace, but he has magic.

Once the magic is formed, it must be released. Otherwise, either the violent magic elements will trigger the magic backlash, or the magic will explode directly in place. The magic does not know who released it, even if it is the magician who released this magic. Will be hurt by the power of magic.

These are all said in the magic books, but Li Feng learned a magician's skill from Amos - holding a spell. This skill is to keep the magic in a state that is about to be formed but not yet formed.

(End of this chapter)

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