The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1101 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1101 Tracking and Killing (6)
This has nothing to do with patriotism. In fact, it is a bit absurd for a group of bandits to talk about patriotism.But even a group of robbers would be furious when they saw their compatriots being slaughtered.

The fire below hadn't been completely extinguished, and puffs of thick smoke came out from time to time. Most of the barbarians hadn't gone far. With the speed of the flying mount, they should be able to catch up quickly.

The little thief, Helen, was very good at tracking. She lowered her height, and after observing for a while, she gave the barbarian the direction in which to leave. Before everyone had time to check if there were any survivors below, they turned their mounts and followed them with a howl.

The large-scale looting of the barbarians usually lasted about half a month, and they would flee into the mountains before the Atlantis army formed a siege.Looking at the current situation, it seems that the looting has just begun, and Heimuya arrived at the right time.

Barbarians do not have the ability to siege cities, so border villages and towns without tall city walls became targets of looting.The air cavalry group lowered their altitude and flew past all the way. As far as they could see, they were all burned villages. The soldiers seemed to be able to hear the wailing of countless innocent souls, which made everyone's murderous intent even stronger. .

Although robbers are also murderers and robbers, they always have their own psychological bottom line. Compared with the ferocious barbarians who don't spare even the old and weak, women and children, they can be regarded as good babies.

Half an hour later, everyone finally saw the barbarians who were attacking a small town.

There are thousands of barbarians in this team, and the town is not completely devoid of resistance. Hundreds of adventurers rely on the simple fortifications in the town to resist the barbarians' impact.

There are countless monsters active in Mount Everest, and the shining magic crystals attract a large number of adventurers. There are countless small towns on the vast border of Atlantis, which is the ideal place for adventurers to settle down. land.

Among the adventurers, there are many sword masters, but there are too many barbarians. They seem to be on the verge of collapse, and the barbarians may break through the last line of defense at any time.

Before Avril Lavigne issued an order, the soldiers had already clenched their spears tightly in their hands.

Avril Lavigne didn't need to issue an order either, she directly used a slash of vindictiveness as an attack command.The fiery red Dou Qi Slash that bloomed like a sunflower bombarded the barbarians, taking at least four or five barbarian lives, and the number of injured barbarians was at least double this number.

The Dou Qi Slash suddenly descended from the sky, causing the tragic battlefield to fall into a strange state of dead silence, and everyone was looking up at the sky.But this state lasted only a few seconds before it was broken, because the spear in the Heimuya warrior's hand had already been shot.

After stepping into the threshold of the sword master, the strength of the soldiers' arms has reached an astonishing level under the addition of fighting spirit. At this time, they shot with hatred, and the thrown javelins flew in the air, rubbing against the air fiercely, and the wooden spear points sometimes There will even be wisps of blue smoke.

The barbarians don't know how to mine or forge. Even their weapons are wild caltrops picked up from the mountains. Of course, they don't have any armor. How can their bare chests withstand the power of javelins?

(End of this chapter)

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