The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1111 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1111 Tracking and Killing (16)
A lot of students who went to support last time were captured by Partia, and he didn't want to be one of them.

How comfortable it is now, while enjoying the sound of flattery, the credit is still easy to get.

When Kara Lance was enjoying himself, the harsh siren sounded suddenly, which startled him so much that he almost threw the wine glass out of his hands.

"What's going on?" There were noisy discussions in the hall.

Kararence was also a little surprised, but he didn't think the matter was serious. Although he only arrived at Storm Fortress today, he was not ignorant of the defense of the fortress. This is the first-line barrier of the empire. So prone to problems?

A heavily armed adjutant ran into the hall and found the lord of the city, Lord Alston.The adjutant's face obviously had a look of panic, which made everyone in the hall feel a little uncomfortable, and Kara Lance, a guy who was afraid of death, sank even more.

"There is an enemy invasion in Storm Fortress, all honorable gentlemen and beautiful ladies, please don't panic, you little thieves will be dismissed soon, sorry for disturbing everyone's pleasure." Marquis Alston said calmly He smiled, "I'm sorry, the Marquis, the banquet continues. I wish you all a wonderful night."

Lord Marquis's composure somewhat reassured everyone in the hall, but some quick-thinking people were still in doubt. If it was really a 'mere little thief', would Lord Marquis still need to go out in person?

It was not yet completely dark at this time, and the banquet was held a bit early in order to welcome the honored guest, Master Kararence, who had come all the way from the imperial capital.

The Marquis of Alston was able to guard such a strategic location as the Storm Fortress, and his status and status were not low. Even against Kararence's grandfather, the Duke of Hereford, he had enough confidence.

However, the Marquis of Alston has a steady personality. In fact, he has to be steady because he sits in a strategic location.The Marquis of Alston didn't like to cause unnecessary troubles, so before the arrival of Kararence, the character of this noble young master had already been clearly grasped by the Marquis.

To deal with such an aristocratic young master who likes to show off extremely, but at the same time likes to hold grudges, a grand and decent reception is indispensable, and it doesn't take much anyway.

Of course Clarence didn't come alone, but other people were not as stingy as this guy, so he was the one who needed to be taken care of.

When the Marquis of Alston was about to leave the hall, he did not forget to say hello to Clarence, giving this guy enough face.

Lord Marquis can still think of such details at this time, not only because of his careful consideration, but also because he is not really aware of the seriousness of the problem.

It wasn't until he walked up the tens of meters high city wall and saw with his own eyes the barbarians all over the mountains and plains outside the fortress that the expression of the Marquis suddenly changed.

The experienced Marquis of Alston can roughly get the approximate number of barbarians at a glance.Nearly 20 savages gathered outside the fortress, and it was by no means a tourist group.

(End of this chapter)

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