The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1130 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1130 Tracking and Killing (35)
Moreover, the Heimuya Sky Cavalry Group played the role of the savior, entering the battlefield like a divine soldier descending from heaven, which especially satisfied the heroism complex of the soldiers.

During the pursuit all the way and the fierce battle at the end of the city, each member of the air cavalry group killed at least a dozen or more barbarians, and some even killed more than a hundred enemies, becoming a veritable "hundred people beheaded" .

The murderous aura of the soldiers seemed to be chilling out at any time. Although they had not yet passed the test of death, they already possessed the basic qualities of a Predator. More than 400 soldiers stood there in unison, and the stagnant evil spirit alone could scare the enemy half to death.

After the battle, there was a celebration as usual. Although it was almost dawn at this time, the fighters of the air cavalry regiment didn't care at all. They didn't feel tired after fighting for such a long time.They even called out all the left-behind elves and giants, and even pulled out the slaves who were still staying at Blackwood Cliff to listen to the soldiers bragging about their great achievements.

The soldiers have the capital to brag, they only have more than 400 people, but they can beat 20 barbarians so badly. With such a brilliant record, which army in Titan Continent can do it?

Li Feng didn't stop the soldiers from going crazy, that's how the cohesion was produced. Looking at the envious eyes of the cannon fodder slave soldiers, one could tell that their sense of belonging to Heimuya was gradually increasing.After undergoing the baptism of battle in the future, the slave soldiers can basically be regarded as Heimuya's own people.

This is due to the prevailing rules in the mountains. It is very normal for robbers to change their families. Heimuya has set the rules for accepting people very strictly. Added Blackwood Cliffs.

Li Feng and the two Yazhai ladies just ate something casually and returned to the mansion.

Hanging around with a bunch of rough brigands is not as attractive as Gentle Country.

In the steaming hot spring, the sound of the water is gurgling, and the thick spring is rippling in it...

After the joy, Avril and Nana had fallen asleep, but Li Feng was a madman who didn't need to sleep.

It wasn't long before dawn at this time, and the soldiers all went to rest, and the village seemed a little empty, only the sound of slave soldiers practicing from the bottom of the cliff.

The more than 100 cannon fodder slave soldiers who obtained the flying mounts did not go on a test flight with the air cavalry regiment. They were just reserve members, and even the training venue was at the bottom of the cliff.

The more than 800 mounts snatched from the barbarians last time were also handed over to the slave soldiers for use. Of course, they can only train at the bottom of the cliff.

Although the Blackwood Cliff is spacious enough, it is not enough for the mounts of Warcraft to gallop freely on it, and the ground below is much more open.

These slave soldiers were also tasked with hunting. Li Feng didn't have much time to wander around before the slave soldiers finished their morning exercises and went hunting in groups of three or four.

Ferdinand got up very early. Knowing that he would continue to suppress the barbarians, the dutiful chief steward was arranging for someone to cut javelins.The weapons in the hands of the soldiers were all broken, and the bones of the barbarians were too hard, so the chief manager urgently counted out a batch of relatively better quality weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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