The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1140 Chain Reaction

Chapter 1140 Chain Reaction (9)
Among the super monsters, only giant dragons can easily control the situation in large-scale battles.

Thinking that the hope of revenge was right in front of her eyes, Avril's breathing became rapid, she bit her lips lightly, and looked at Li Feng with an indelible affection.

When Avril Lavigne and Ferdinand heard the news that the great enemy Berelomin had ascended the throne and became the emperor of Ethiopia, they were almost desperate for revenge. They did not expect that Li Feng would put his hope of revenge in less than a year after he came to Heimuya. In front of Avril Lavigne, how could Xiao Nizi not be grateful to Li Feng?

During this period of time, Nana spent time with Avril and fought side by side several times. She had already cultivated a deep sisterly relationship. Seeing Avril at this time, she felt a little excited, and she couldn't help hugging Avril's shoulders pitifully.

Ferdinand clenched his fists excitedly. Although he didn't hear the whispers of Li Feng and Avril Lavigne, he always had his own judgment.

Avril Lavigne's promotion to Great Sword Master is a great joy, but compared to Gold Winged Tiger's promotion to super-level Warcraft, the meaning is completely incomparable.

Of course, Ferdinand could have imagined that if all the thirty Golden Winged Tigers were advanced to become super-level monsters, what a frightening force it would be.

Based on the relationship between Da Daojia and Avril Lavigne, as long as he has enough strength, he will definitely help Avril Lavigne take revenge.When Ferdinand thought of this, his heart was excited.

Li Feng's eyes swept across Ferdinand's face, and he understood the chief executive's excitement very well, gave him a knowing smile, and then summoned all the other Golden Winged Tigers.

The Silver Winged Crystal Pegasus was also summoned to the square by Li Feng's loud whistle. Da Fei and Xiao Fei have followed Li Feng for so long, and now it is beneficial. Of course, Li Feng will not forget them.

The same is true for Fire Lion Dog Xiaohong. Although this guy has not been hypnotized, he has always been loyal to Li Feng, and last time he dealt with the Skeleton Thunder Beast, this guy also made great contributions. Of course, if he has credit, he will get what he deserves s return.

Although there are not many five-year pills in stock, thirty or forty pills can still be made up.

Two silver-winged crystal flying horses, together with the fire lion dog Xiaohong, and 29 golden-winged tigers, so many magical beasts advanced at the same time, the huge scene can no longer be described in words.

Just now, when Harriet was promoted to a king-rank monster, the movement caused by it made people's hearts throbbing. At this time, 31 high-rank monsters, plus a quasi-super-rank monster, set off an elemental tide. It almost formed a real storm, and the huge momentum changed the color of the world.

Everyone in the square felt as if they were in a sea of ​​elements that was raging with strong winds and waves, and the frenzied elemental vortex was constantly washing over their bodies.

At this time, Heimuya was like a natural disaster, elements from all directions rushed towards Heimuya crazily, forming a huge elemental vortex, like a tornado of elements blowing in the sky.

The longer it lasts, the more palpitating the elemental storm will be. No one has ever thought of such a scene. Even Harriet, who is well-informed, is in the elemental storm. At this time, she cannot judge whether it is a blessing or not. Woe.

(End of this chapter)

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