The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1149 Chain Reaction

Chapter 1149 Chain Reaction (18)
The pace of the two was neither too fast nor too slow, and sometimes Avril would express emotion in a low voice when she saw something in her memory, sharing her happy past with Li Feng.

Although a noble princess, Avril Lavigne is not a canary locked in a palace.She would often take the court ladies out shopping, and sometimes she didn't even put on a disguise, so it was no big deal to be recognized.In the city of the other shore, no one will hurt Princess Avril, who is as beautiful and tender as the flower of the other shore, and as lovely as a flower elf.

Chapter 338 The Power of One Punch

"Stop coming."

The circle around the palace was surrounded by hundreds of guards. Li Feng and Avril Lavigne were a few hundred meters away from the city wall when they were blocked.

The one who blocked the two seemed to be a little leader surrounded by four warriors. The armor on the little leader appeared to be more sophisticated, and the badge and belt on his chest were also different from other fighters.

Li Feng frowned. Now that the Principality of Flora has become history, why are there so many guards in the palace?
Avril stared blankly at the distant palace for a while, then turned her eyes to the little boss in front of her, and suddenly frowned and said: "You are the soldiers of the Pegasus Legion from the Ethiopian Empire?"

The little boss was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes turned around on Avril, as if he discovered Avril's astonishing beauty at this time, his eyes couldn't help revealing a bit of greed, he touched his chin, and said in a hypocritical manner: "The squadron leader of the Pegasus Legion Bude, I have seen the beautiful lady, can I ask where you are from? Sorry, for the safety of Earl Meles, I must ensure that everyone who approaches the palace is a clean citizen."

The clothes that Avril was wearing were brought back by Li Feng when he went to Atlantis last time. Although they are very exquisite, the clothes bought from tailors are not as good as the tailors owned by the nobles. The tailoring of the clothes was more modest, the texture of the fabrics was less expensive, and the corresponding noble insignia was missing from the exquisite buttons.

However, Avril Lavigne's temperament is too outstanding, so even if Bude thinks about it, he still has to test Avril Lavigne's identity first.After all, the real nobles don't need luxurious clothes to show their status.

"Sure enough, it's the Pegasus Legion," Avril Lavigne didn't seem to see the lust in Bud's eyes, and asked lightly, "Who is Earl Meles? Is the other shore city the private territory of Lord Meles? How could the Pegasus Legion provide Sent by a private noble?"

Avril Lavigne's tone was a bit loud, which made Bude restrain himself a little, and said with flickering eyes: "Bi'an City is not anyone's territory, it directly belongs to the empire. As for why the Earl has soldiers guarding the Pegasus Legion, I'm sorry, this It is a military secret of Ethiopia, please forgive me for not being able to satisfy your curiosity, so now, beautiful lady, should you confess your identity?"

Avril murmured: "There is no lord in the other side city? Why is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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