The best bandit in another world

Chapter 115 The first time I saw a monster

Chapter 115 Seeing a Warcraft for the First Time (1)
Chapter 4

I stretched out my hand again to the place where the medicinal materials were placed, but found nothing. It turned out that all the medicinal materials had been thrown.

The head still hurts badly, but Li Feng can't care about it anymore, the next step is the key step, to collect the pill.

Harvesting the pill should be done at the moment when the pill is formed. Needless to say, if it is too early, the refining of the pill will fail. If it is too late, the pill will be vaporized by the high temperature in an instant.

Because once the pill is formed, the pill is fundamentally different from the original medicinal material, so the original medicinal material can withstand high temperature, but the pill cannot.

Li Feng was well aware of the pros and cons, so he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Due to severe mental exhaustion, the eyes had lost their original function and turned black in bursts. Li Feng simply closed his eyes, relying entirely on his mental strength to perceive.

This is not an easy task for his current extremely weak mental power, because he still has to maintain the state of holding the spell until the collection of pills is completed.

The medicinal material turned into a ball of liquid and was surrounded in the palm. This is the medicinal power of the essence, and the dregs have all been burned into fly ash.

Under the high temperature of the magic, due to the uneven heating and the interlacing of hot and cold, the liquid began to slowly flow around the palm, and the speed gradually increased, eventually forming a vortex.

As time went by, the liquid began to slowly solidify. Li Feng knew that the critical moment had come. When the mental power sensed the pill was formed, Li Feng took the pill away with his left hand as fast as lightning.

Although his mental strength was consumed violently, his internal strength was still there. This move was almost as fast as he could display.

As soon as Dan took it, Li Feng immediately dissipated the magic.

He didn't look at the pill in his hand, but started to practice immediately to restore his mental strength.

Although he could hardly bear it and was about to faint, but with his supreme perseverance, he finally survived abruptly.

He knows one thing, especially at this time, if he can survive, he will often have a huge harvest.

His efforts were not in vain. When he opened his eyes again, his spiritual power almost doubled, and he had a feeling that this growth has not stopped, and his mental power will definitely increase in the near future. A very substantial increase.

But there is no need to worry about these, as soon as he opened his eyes, he couldn't wait to look at the Dan in his hand.

This small red pill looks inconspicuous at all, it is as black as mouse droppings, Li Feng looked at it for a long time, but dared not throw it into his mouth.

Damn, mouse poop is just mouse poop, and I also recognize it when I eat poop. Li Feng looked at it for a long time, then suddenly threw Dan into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing it.

Dan fell from the throat, like a ball of fire falling down the throat, until it reached the stomach, the fire burst out suddenly, and burned all over the body along the meridians.

Li Feng felt as if he was in a stove, his skin was flushed all over his body, and waves of heat continued to rush through his meridians.

These are nothing, what is more painful is that the dantian is like a volcanic eruption, and the violent qi rushes left and right in the dantian, and each impact brings a burst of severe pain.

(End of this chapter)

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