The best bandit in another world

Chapter 120 The first time I saw a monster

Chapter 120 Seeing a Warcraft for the First Time (6)
Teacher Charles coughed dryly, attracting the attention of the students, "Okay, you guys go and take out the magic crystal."

Immediately, a classmate ran over to get the magic crystal. The magic crystal was in Shi Zhuxiong's brain, and he had to break his head to get it out. The scene became extremely bloody in no time.

Many female students turned their heads away, not daring to watch the bloody scene, but Jessica looked on with her usual expression, extremely calm, which made Li Feng a little surprised, thinking that this chick's psychological quality is really good.

Teacher Charles said lightly: "You feel bloody now, but after this month of training, I believe that each of you can adapt, and I hope you must adapt, because no matter whether it is a magician or a swordsman, you will be able to get used to it in the future. It is inevitable to participate in the battle, blood is also inevitable, and every student who walks out of the academy must adapt to this blood, because only in this way can you survive better."

There were also students who curled their lips in secret, disapproving, but Teacher Charles turned a blind eye. During the trial, he would use facts to gradually adapt these students to blood. No matter how much he said, it was not as good as speaking with facts.

Teacher Charles waited for those students to take out the magic crystal, handed it over to Teacher Daisy for safekeeping, clapped his hands, and attracted everyone's attention, "Although it is far away from the center of the forest, there are already more monsters. , this stone bear is just a rudimentary monster, and its strength is not very strong. In the future, we will encounter intermediate monsters that are several times stronger. In today's battle, everyone was very brave. There are a lot of problems."

Teacher Charles began to explain to everyone the problems that occurred during the battle. He observed the battle just now very carefully. Almost every student who participated in the battle was commented by him.

The teachers who lead the team are not randomly assigned. This teacher Charles has a wealth of experience. He made a few comments, which made every student feel a sense of enlightenment. It turns out that fighting is not just about bravery. There are many A place to learn.

What Mr. Charles pointed out was the fighting skills of the swordsman students. After his comments, Mrs. Daisy also began to comment on each magic student.

However, she does not point out combat skills, but teaches some magic tricks that need to be paid attention to in battle, such as when to release magic, what kind of magic should be used under what circumstances, and when fighting, you should try to release less mana. Fast-casting magic.

Unfortunately, Archibald became a negative teaching material, and was used by Teacher Daisy to educate other students, and he lost face.

Li Feng gloated at other people's jokes, which made him feel very happy, especially because this person was someone he didn't like, it made him even more happy.

"Student Ai Lun, you didn't put in any effort from the beginning to the end, what right do you have to laugh at others?" Seeing Li Feng's smiling face, Lilia couldn't help but burst into anger.

Li Feng squinted his eyes, tired and crooked, "Isn't it better to be someone who doesn't work hard than someone who helps monsters?"

(End of this chapter)

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