The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1202 The Lair of the Necromancer

Chapter 1202 The Lair of the Necromancer (35)
When I first saw Heimuya's lineup just now, the soldiers on the ground were indeed shocked, but they still had the determination to fight to the death. But now that Heimuya showed his strength a little, he completely defeated the will of the soldiers.

General Aubrey's heart was so cold that it was unbelievable for the robbers to rob the imperial army. What is even more incredible is that this group of robbers is so powerful that they let eight thousand people fight without even fighting first. The elite Imperial Forest Army soldiers completely lost their courage to fight.

The three little girls in the carriage opened their mouths into an O shape, and they no longer cared about maintaining their ladylike demeanor. They did not expect that the long-awaited Master Alan really came to rob the princess. What made them even more unexpected was that, The head of Allen really has the strength to rob the princess.

Li Feng's slightly thin figure was infinitely elevated at this moment.The aura of the superior has always been displayed by the power behind it, and the power behind the leader of Heimuya is undoubtedly like a dark cloud rolling over from the sky, absolutely overwhelming.

"General Aubrey, are you still ready to resist?" Li Feng's arrogant voice exploded in the sky, and there was a series of exaggerated foreshadowing just now. His voice was heard in people's ears, like rolling thunder, so shocking that people could barely stand. stable.

General Aubrey turned his head mechanically, and there was a crackling sound from his stiff neck. As far as he could see, the faces of the soldiers behind him were full of unconcealed panic, their hands and feet were trembling, and they couldn't even hold their big swords.

How much combat power does such a fighter have left?
General Aubrey took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, don't forget your identities. You are all proud soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army. The strength of the enemy is not an excuse for you to lose your fighting courage. The princess was taken away by robbers. You should be very clear about the consequences, now, tell me, are you willing to fight side by side with me to protect Her Highness the Princess?"

Anyone who can serve as an official in the Royal Forest Army will never be an ordinary role. Even in despair, General Aubrey has never given up his dignity as a predator.

However, his impassioned words did not get much response.

Escorting Her Royal Highness to marry was supposed to be a gilded trip, so at least half of the eight thousand knights were descendants of various princes and nobles, just like the bum Kararence.

Could such a person have the courage to fight to the death when facing an absolutely unmatched opponent?
Seeing the reaction of the soldiers, General Aubrey's heart became even brighter.

Paralyzed, you all overwhelmed yourselves when you took the credit, but when you get serious, you all turned into cowards. I shouldn't have agreed to stuff you bastards into the team in the first place.

General Aubrey cursed his mother with anger and felt a pang of sadness at the same time.

Chapter 353 The Voice of Her Royal Highness
General Aubrey is considered a moderate official in the Imperial Forest Army, and his background is also moderate, but the problem is that there are too many dignitaries in the imperial capital, and there are too many people he can't afford to offend , so at this time, he is the only one who is unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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