The best bandit in another world

Chapter 122 The first time I saw a monster

Chapter 122 Seeing a Warcraft for the First Time (8)
Seeing that Li Feng was silent, Jessica explained: "Ms. Daisy's mentor, Kleist, is also one of the three great mages in the academy. His ranking in the academy is higher than that of Ms. Moss, so She doesn't have to be afraid of Teacher Amos, if she is determined to drive you out of the team, no one here can stop you, but if you do this, it will almost be a disaster for your future future."

Li Feng sneered and said, "Do you think I care about this? It's just that I can't figure it out a little bit. Does this old witch have hatred against me? Why is she targeting me?"

Li Feng usually had a smile on his face in front of Jessica, but at this time his face was full of sneer and arrogance, Jessica felt a slight move in his heart, thinking that this guy was really charming when he was arrogant.

He is obviously a toad, but he is a very individual toad.

Jessica sighed and said, "Of course she has a grudge against you. If you scold her daughter, can she not target you?"

Li Feng was surprised: "I scolded her daughter? You mean?"

Jessica nodded, and said, "Lilia is Teacher Daisy's daughter, you deserve it if you scold her daughter in front of her."

Li Feng smiled coldly, "So that's the case, hehe."

Li Feng didn't say anything harsh, but Jessica felt that Li Feng was definitely not such an easy-going person, and this guy might have some vicious thoughts in his mind.

Li Feng took a deep breath, laughed, and his face returned to a playful smile, "Well, if this is the case, then I have a lot of adults, so I don't care about them."

Looking at Li Feng's expression, it seemed that Li Feng had completely forgotten about the matter just now, but Jessica clearly saw a sharp light flashed in Li Feng's eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried, this guy won't mess around Bar?
Li Feng walked towards the crowd unsteadily, as if nothing happened, Jessica followed behind him, only thought that she was sick, this guy looked heartless, I really had enough to worry about for him.

When Teacher Daisy saw Li Feng approaching, there was a hint of disgust in her eyes, and she said lightly: "Student Alan, although you don't know magic, since you are in this team, you must always make some contributions to the collective. They are magic students, and their physical strength is not as good as that of boys, so you can help them recite something, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Li Feng also looked cold, shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "Since the teacher has ordered, how dare the students say that there is a problem?"

There are ten magic students in the team, and half of them are girls. Jessica has a space ring, so she has nothing, except her and there are four girls.

In fact, these four girls don’t have much in their hands now. There are some courteous toad men in the team, but after hearing Teacher Daisy’s words, these toad men immediately come over and hand things to Li Feng. Showing courtesy depends on the occasion. Yes, Teacher Daisy obviously wants to embarrass Li Feng, and these toad men also don't like Li Feng, how can they not add trouble to Li Feng?

(End of this chapter)

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