The best bandit in another world

Chapter 124 The first time I saw a monster

Chapter 124 Seeing a Warcraft for the First Time (10)
All the magic students have cast two rounds of magic, but the blazing dog seems to be getting more and more active after being hit by so many magics.

At this time, all the students felt that something was wrong. Why did this monster become more and more powerful?

Li Feng laughed even happier. Jessica was about to sing magic again, but seeing Li Feng's appearance, she couldn't help but asked in doubt, "What are you thinking? Why are you laughing like this?"

Li Feng glanced at Archibald, who was still chanting a spell, "Hey, it's nothing, just look at that guy."

Jessica gave Li Feng a blank look, "That's your classmate too, isn't it rude for you to call someone else like that?" Turning to look at Archibald, she didn't find anything unusual, "It's nothing, What did you tell me to watch?"

Like Archibald, Li Feng nuzzled his chin and said with a smile: "If this flaming dog suddenly explodes, do you think that if any of these swordsman students die accidentally, will they become undead to seek revenge on this guy? ?”

The guy Li Feng was talking about obviously wasn't referring to Blazing Dog, but Archibald.

Jessica asked in surprise, "Why are you looking for classmate Archibald? What's the matter with Archibald? Isn't he also attacking monsters?"

Li Feng looked at the field, the battle was fierce, and at the same time, the third round of magic had basically hit the blazing dog, but what was surprising was that the blazing dog was hit by magic, but it seemed to be stimulant , became more active.

Li Feng rubbed his chin, "It seems that if it is enchanted twice, this flaming dog should be able to temporarily jump to the middle level, right?"

Jessica didn't know why, "What? You said that this monster will temporarily advance after being enchanted?"

Li Feng laughed, "It's not that you will be promoted temporarily if you are enchanted, but you will be temporarily promoted if you are enchanted by Archibald. You said that those swordsman students who besieged monsters, if they knew this, would they Will take a sword to cut Archibald?"

Jessica asked in surprise, "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. It is recorded in the Warcraft Illustrated Book that Blazing Dogs will often be inexplicably promoted temporarily, and after a period of time, they will fall back to the original level again. Haven't you thought about the reason?" Li Feng asked back road.

Jessica frowned and said, "I've also read the Warcraft Illustrated Book, but it doesn't record the reason for the promotion of Blaze Dog."

Li Feng patted his forehead helplessly, "After you read the book, didn't you think about it? The Warcraft Illustrated Book is a very cautious book. It basically only records the characteristics of Warcraft, and rarely draws any conclusions. So after reading it, you have to analyze it yourself.”

Jessica blushed. She only focused on magic. Although she went to the library to check the information a few days before coming to the trial, she had just glanced over all of them. Where would she go for any analysis?
Li Feng continued: "It is recorded in the Warcraft Illustrated Book that every time the Blazing Dog advances, it is basically in battle, and there must be a magician of the fire department among the opponents. It is easy to infer that it suffered With fire magic, there is a great chance that you will be promoted temporarily."

(End of this chapter)

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