The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1259 Goodbye Emperor

Chapter 1259 Goodbye Emperor (20)
Emperor Claudius couldn't see Avril Lavigne's disadvantage, but he could see the embarrassment of the old man, so he was really anxious and angry.It took a lot of effort to recruit a sword master to be his personal bodyguard. If it was accidentally damaged here, the emperor might cry.

Emperor Claudius looked at Li Feng for help, but unfortunately, Li Feng had no intention of interfering with Avril's battle at all.

Only under the oppression of a strong enemy can the potential hidden in the body be squeezed out. This battle for the Juggernaut may be very aggrieved, but it will be of great benefit to Avril. Li Feng will definitely not let Avril waste such an opportunity in vain.

However, Li Feng's eyes were more focused on Andre and his wife.

Avril Lavigne and Juggernaut are just sparring, even if there is a risk, it will not be too great, but Andre and Drazen are fighting for life and death, and bloody tragedies will occur at every turn.

The Marquis of De La Zeen is really tenacious. He is already on the verge of falling, but he just holds on and won't fall down.

The swords of both Andre and Jenny have hit the Marquis more than once, but the inner layer of the Marquis's clothes is actually wearing a very powerful top-quality armor, which absorbs most of the damage. The reason why Lord Marquis can continue to hold on.

Li Feng frowned slightly, suddenly felt something, and looked around the practice field with fixed eyebrows.

A few seconds later, a loud voice suddenly sounded from the edge of the practice field: "Huh? What kind of scene is this?"

At the same time as this voice sounded, there was also an exclamation from the other side of the training ground: "Your Majesty? Marquis of Derazen? What's going on?"

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and there was a little more coldness in his eyes.

Two figures shot from both sides quickly, landing on the left and right sides of Emperor Claudius respectively.

Li Feng knew these two people, one was Gerald, a handsome old man, and the other was the Azure Sword Master who fought against each other in the Thorn Forest back then.

The first loud voice belonged to Gerald. As soon as he stabilized his figure, he couldn't wait to ask: "Your Majesty, are you okay? Who is fighting with this old guy Cecil? Why does it seem to be someone?" Little girl? The Marquis de la Zeen's opponent is very murderous, what kind of scene is this?"

The Blue Juggernaut was not as casual as Gerald. He not only greeted Emperor Claudius respectfully first, but also bowed to Gerald as a junior, as if he was meeting a teacher, and then with a puzzled face, Without saying a word, he stood behind Emperor Claudius.

With Gerald, the number one expert in the empire, there, it was no longer the turn of the Azure Sword Master to express his opinion.

Emperor Claudius turned his eyes around Li Feng, a little hesitant.

Gerald followed the emperor's gaze, only then did he discover Li Feng's existence, and asked in surprise, "Alan? Why are you here?"

It's no wonder that Gerald didn't notice Li Feng at first. Li Feng was wearing a luxurious thunder robe at this time, looking like an upstart, which was far from his usual image. Gerald didn't think of this at all. The flirtatious guy is actually his grandson-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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