The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1268 Goodbye Emperor

Chapter 1268 Goodbye Emperor (29)
Shield-type magic is inherently difficult to master, and it is also very troublesome to release. Making a shield-type magic scroll is much more difficult than making a group magic scroll, so each shield-type magic scroll is extremely precious.

The barbarian's skull necklace can fully resist eighteen high-level magics, and it is also an automatic trigger type. It can definitely be called a miracle in the magic world.

Moreover, the skull necklace is not a one-time item. Each phantom monster head can be summoned once within half a month. Such a magic item is difficult to make even by the top alchemist in the mainland.

It is inconceivable that the barbarians known as the elemental desert can produce such excellent magic props.

The great magister of Amos studied it over and over again for a long time, but couldn't find any clues, but instead of making Amos feel discouraged, a smile of joy appeared on his face.

The performance of the great magister of Amos is like a scientist in the magic world, and the spirit of research flows in his blood.

"Gerald, can you stop the battle between these two?" While Amos was studying the skull necklace, Emperor Claudius also whispered to Gerald.

It was rare for others to see such a wonderful fight, and they all watched it with gusto. Only Emperor Claudius was worried, for fear that the Juggernaut might be hurt.

Gerald said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Cecil is not in danger, his opponent can seize the opportunity everywhere, only because of the superb sword skills full of indomitable momentum, in fact, the real strength is not enough to threaten Cecil. "

Even though Gerald said so, seeing the dark face of Emperor Claudius, he still pulled out the Celestial Sword helplessly and walked towards the two people who were fighting.

If it wasn't for the emperor's urging, Gerald would really want to observe Avril's sword skills, because his Thunderbolt sword skills are very similar to Avril's sword skills, they are both open and close, winning with a forceful momentum, After just watching for a while, Gerald has already gained a lot.

Although he had no choice but to make a move, Gerald still showed his tyrannical strength beyond the Juggernaut.

The Celestial Excalibur was surrounded by a faint sound of wind and thunder, and the thunderous intervention of Avril and Cecil Sword Master was in the middle of the battle, and the sword body trembled, hitting the big swords in the hands of the two respectively.

The tile-blue dou qi light on the body of the Sky Excalibur is not dazzling, but whether it is Cecil Sword Master or Avril Lavigne, the big sword in his hand was lightly knocked by the Sky Excalibur, and he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and the big sword almost wanted to let go After coming out, even the chest felt tight for a while.

Gerald used just the right amount of strength, and it varied from person to person, just as much as the two of them could bear.

Just such a bland sword strike showed Gerald's superhuman skills, and the several sword masters who were watching were all amazed and bowed down.

Chapter 371

Gerald's sword seems inconspicuous, but the cracked stone slabs on the ground make people feel the turbulent potential hidden in it.

(End of this chapter)

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