The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1274 Goodbye Emperor

Chapter 1274 Goodbye Emperor (35)
Li Feng has already entered the Innate Realm, and has already turned to internal breathing, but this time he was still a little out of breath from laughing, he suddenly hugged Avril, took a sip on Avril's lips, and laughed loudly: "Haha, I want to be Dongfang Invincible..."

Li Feng is indeed developing in the direction of Aunt Dongfang. He not only practiced the Sunflower Book, but also occupied Heimuya after that. Now it is even more exaggerated, even the three corpse brain pills have come out.

After getting excited, Li Feng quickly browsed carefully the refining method and materials of the Sanshi Naoshen Pill. If the refining method requirements are too abnormal, or the materials cannot be found in the Titan Continent, it would be too tragic.

"Fortunately, although it's a bit difficult to do, it can be configured at last." Li Feng swallowed his saliva, and carefully put the paper into the star ring.

The configuration method of Sanshi Naoshen Pill is somewhat similar to cultivating Gu worms. The materials needed are not difficult to obtain, but the cultivation process takes a lot of energy, and the output will be very limited. It is estimated that it is less than the five-year pill.

Li Feng couldn't wait to go back to Heimuya to configure the Three Corpse Naoshen Pills. On Heimuya, there were still two great sword masters who had been sealed by Hanchedan and captured.

After Avril knocked out the two great sword masters in the city of the other side, because she had no way to control them, she had to seal their grudges and put them on Heimuya as slaves.

But as long as the three corpse brain pills come out, the two great sword masters can't help being tough.

There is no need to worry about their loyalty to the large number of slaves captured during the last sweep.

Slave fighters can also be confident and bold to let them advance and improve their combat effectiveness. They don't have to worry about being betrayed, unless they are really not afraid of death.

After fantasizing for a long time, Li Feng finally calmed down a little.

This is the Titan Continent. Although the Three Corpse Brain Pills are powerful, they are not unsolvable. There are countless types of magic here. It is hard to say whether there will be magic that does not harm the host, but can kill the lurking corpse insects.

At least as far as Li Feng knows, the archbishop in red, who is second only to the Pope in the Holy See, can perform a high-level divine art—the holy purification art, which can eliminate the bad state of the human body, and all the poisonous insects living in the body of the subject , all will be killed.

This magical technique was originally used to deal with the Necromancer's Bone Erosion Curse, but it should also have an effect on the Three Corpse Brain Pills.

Fortunately, the red-clothed archbishop is not a red-clothed cannon. Their status is so noble that it is unimaginable. If you want to invite them to do it yourself, the price you need to spend is also unimaginable.

Except for Li Feng's sudden madness on the way, everyone went to the residence of the Red Devil Sword Master smoothly, and did not encounter a large number of officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress them.

Although Emperor Claudius was extremely angry, he did not lose his mind. He knew that he would pay a huge price if he wanted to catch Li Feng and others. To cooperate with Heimuya, so Emperor Claudius has no intention of dealing with Li Feng at all, at least not now.

Although the Red Devil Sword Master is the Supreme Juggernaut, he lives in a poor area.

(End of this chapter)

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