The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1278 Life Experience

Chapter 1278 Life Experience (3)
Jessica was so surprised, she quickly asked.

With a wry smile, Gerald recounted the matter of the Marquis's Mansion in detail, and finally sighed helplessly: "Alan and His Majesty have completely broken up, if it weren't for the fact that Alan holds the resources that His Majesty covets, and has the ability to make His Majesty Due to the tyrannical strength that he is afraid of, Alan may not be able to leave the imperial capital."

Jessica's face turned pale. Under her grandfather's precepts and deeds, Jessica was full of love for the empire. Now that her lover and His Majesty were at loggerheads, and she was caught in the middle, it was a bit embarrassing.

Jessica had fantasized before that His Majesty and Li Feng would abandon their previous feud, and Li Feng would return to Posedonia to live with her, but now this fantasy has undoubtedly been shattered.

After hesitating for a long time, Jessica finally gave up the idea of ​​sending Fetion, and returned to her room in a daze.


Seeing that it was still early in the evening, Li Feng and his party simply walked around the street.

The first thing everyone went to was the Magicians Guild, and Li Feng bought a large number of Misha hibernation badges.

The Misha Hibernation Badge is used to carry a magic pet, and it needs magic power or spiritual power to activate it.The Misha Badge has always been used by magicians, because ordinary people have no way to sign a contract with a pet, nor do they have magic or spiritual power to activate the badge.

But after reaching the sword master level, weak mental power is enough to activate the Misha badge.

The price of the rice yarn badge is really not cheap, but fortunately Li Feng has enough money.

As long as the magician shows the guild's professional badge and the evidence of possessing a magic pet, he can receive the Misha badge for free, but Li Feng wants [-] of them, which almost scares the guild's leader to the ground. Of course, it is impossible free.

The magician guild in the imperial capital is very large, but it is impossible to store such a large number of Misha badges. Li Feng paid a large sum of gold coins, and the imperial capital guild used a small teleportation array to mobilize thousands of them from other surrounding small guilds. Badges, but this is already the limit, there will be no more.

After buying the badges, when night falls, everyone can take the time to summon the monster mounts and receive the Misha badges in the hibernation space.With a powerful Warcraft mount in hand, at least the safety will be greatly increased.

It was a rare time to come to the imperial capital, so of course everyone had to take a good look around. After leaving the Magician's Guild, everyone started to tour the imperial capital under the leadership of Perseus.

Originally, it was best for a chattering little girl like Andromeda to do the task of a tour guide, but she just learned of her life experience, and the little girl was always in a low mood, and she was listless when walking in the team. Rely on Perseus to lead the way for everyone.

Algernon is also a Posidonian native, but he usually works hard in the blacksmith shop and rarely goes out. Not to mention Li Feng, he spent less than a year in the imperial capital during the trial. For two months, everywhere I went was a smear of darkness.

Among the group, only Avril was the most interested, staying in Heimuya all the year round, except for staying in the lifeless Biancheng City for less than a day last time, Avril hadn't been in contact with the bustling city for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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