The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1318 Didn't Fight

Chapter 1318 Didn't Fight (7)
A large number of parallel imported super-level monsters in Heimuya were all spawned by elixir. Not only did the body shape not change much, but they also did not have the arrogance of super-level monsters.

While the two sides were fighting, Emperor Claudius was also furious in the palace. The green-scaled knights coming and going in the sky made the emperor immediately guess that it must be Li Feng, the shit-stirring stick, making trouble in the imperial capital again.

Emperor Claudius didn't even think about it, and immediately sent Cecil Sword Saint, ordering him to stop the fight between the two sides. The deal between the empire and Heimuya was only a verbal agreement, and it has not yet been officially delivered. This kind of critical moment is a bad thing.The war on the western frontier may come at any time, and the emperor must plan ahead.

Even if he made certain concessions, Emperor Claudius didn't want to provoke Li Feng at this time, because he didn't want to make a series of concessions on the issue of Drazen, because of some trivial matters, all void.

The speed of Cecil Juggernaut's flying speed is still very strong in short-distance sprints. After Claremont misjudged the strength of the opponent, he was a little stunned for a while, and the Juggernaut was already like a blue flower. Like a shooting star, it streaked across the sky and rushed towards everyone.

"Stop everything..." Lord Juggernaut felt the traces of magic remaining in the air, secretly startled, and yelled violently from a long distance away to prevent the situation from getting worse.

These four words were yelled out by Master Juggernaut with all his fighting spirit. It was really like rolling thunder, and almost half of Posidonia City could hear it.

This kind of power, the most peak in the world, immediately caused countless ignorant ordinary civilians to prostrate themselves on the ground and worship.

Cecil Juggernaut came in time, with the firepower of fifteen super-level monsters, if he was delayed for a few seconds, the blue-scaled knight would lose a lot.

"Claremont has seen Lord Juggernaut." Clement recognized the person's identity immediately, and Clement did not dare to neglect the full-time bodyguard of Emperor Claudius, because Cecil Juggernaut What he said often represented the will of Emperor Claudius.

"What's going on here?" Juggernaut Cecil leaned over and saw the smashed houses and buildings on the ground, as well as hundreds of knights with green scales who were almost smashed to pieces, his eyes twitched violently.

Fortunately, Li Feng and others, whom His Majesty paid the most attention to, didn't seem to be injured, otherwise he really didn't know how angry the Emperor would be.

Just as Claremont was about to explain, Juggernaut Cecil suddenly interrupted with a wave of his hand, and said impatiently: "Let's explain to His Majesty later, but you should be prepared first, Your Majesty's temper is not very good right now."

Cecil is regarded as a master of royal consecration, with a high status. When it comes to Emperor Claudius' temper, he does not shy away from it.

"Mr. Allen, Your Majesty asked me to say hello to you, and I would like to ask you, when will you leave the imperial capital?" Cecil hovered in the air and bent towards Li Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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