The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1329 Didn't Fight

Chapter 1329 Didn't Fight (18)
At this time, even with desperate magic, it is very likely that Gerald cannot be hurt. The fourth-order frost dragon has only this option.Fortunately, running out of mana is not a big problem for the giant dragon. Using the dragon's unique meditation method, it only takes a month at most to recover.

The eternal shackles that this giant dragon can only cast after draining its whole body of magic power are equivalent to constructing a law. It not only forcibly prevents Gerald from advancing, but even on Gerald's dantian, permanently sets On a yoke.

No matter what level Gerald's strength reached, he would always be reduced by a level of strength because of the shackles.

In other words, Gerald is now the peak strength of the Great Sword Master, but his real rank should be that of a Sword Master.Once the eternal shackles are untied, he will directly become a Juggernaut without having to advance, because he is already a Juggernaut.

Gerald had already failed to advance due to the interference of the eternal shackles, so he was still at the rank of the great swordsman, but due to the shackles of the eternal shackles, he had to go down another level, so he became a high-level swordsman.

Although the Tier [-] Frost Dragon has exhausted its mana, its melee combat ability is still there. In addition, the Dragon Knight, who is a great swordsman, has greatly shrunk in Gerald's strength and has become a mere high-level swordsman. There should be no suspense about the outcome.

But to the horror of the giant dragon and the dragon knight, Gerald had just retreated to the high-level sword master, and broke through the bottleneck in an instant, and advanced to the great sword master again.

This bottleneck is based on Gerald's true level, that is to say, it is not the bottleneck of advanced sword master to great sword master, but the bottleneck of great sword master to sword master.

In this short period of time, Gerald actually attacked the Juggernaut twice. The first time he failed because of the eternal shackles, but the second time he broke through instantly.

This time there was no luck, the panicked dragon knight was directly killed by Gerald, and the fourth-order frost dragon escaped in embarrassment.

This is because Gerald can't fly with air, otherwise he would have been a dragon slayer.

If Gerald wants to have the ability to control air flight, he must first advance to the Juggernaut, but because of the existence of eternal shackles, if he wants to advance to the Juggernaut, it means that his real strength is even higher than that of the Juggernaut. First order, what kind of concept is this?
There is indeed a level above the Sword Master, but that is like the moon in the mirror, and the Sword God has never appeared since ancient times.Even if Gerald is a genius in the sky, he can't break the law of boundaries in the dark and advance to become the supreme sword god.

Gerald was ashamed to boast when he narrated.However, Amos and Eferas were also insiders, so while Gerald was telling the story dryly, the two would polish Gerald's story one by one like finishing touches from time to time.The soul-stirring part of it made everyone feel excited when they heard it.

In fact, even without the help of the two great magisters to brag about, Gerald's brilliant record alone is enough to make everyone stand in awe.

(End of this chapter)

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