The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1338 Didn't Fight

Chapter 1338 Didn't Fight (27)
It is said that if the domain created by the real sanctuary mage is not destroyed normally, but artificially destroyed, the movement will be even more earth-shattering.At that time, the sky will be full of dense thunderstorms and sky fires, which may even cause natural disasters.

Therefore, when it comes to domains, sanctuary mages have always been very cautious when using them. Most sanctuary mages have never used domains once in their entire lives. In fact, they can force sanctuary mages to be strong enough to use domains , There are really not many in the Titan Continent.

Gerald was stunned for a moment, then let out a long breath, and said with a smile: "The eternal shackles have indeed been released, I can feel it. This feeling is really strange, as if I put down a piece of my back on my body. Decades of boulders... Hey, am I being a little too sentimental?"

He was joking in an old and unscrupulous manner, but there were a few crystal clear tears in the corners of Gerald's eyes.

Bearing a shackle for decades, anyone would feel depressed and go crazy. This is because Gerald has a good mentality, otherwise he would have been overwhelmed.

How could he not be ecstatic when he was freed at this moment?
Li Feng slapped Gerald at the right time, releasing the dantian sealed by Hanche Dan.

Gerald jumped up from the ground, feeling the surging power returning to his body in an instant, he couldn't help but let out a long roar.The desolate whistling pierced through the sky continuously, seemingly endlessly, shaking everyone so that they wanted to fall to the ground.

The nearby water elements crazily poured into Gerald's body. The three water magicians present all suddenly felt suffocated. This was an illusion caused by the scarcity of water elements.

Gerald is not advancing, because he is a Juggernaut, but his rank is suppressed by the eternal shackles. At this time, it seems that his battle energy has been exhausted and he is replenishing his battle energy.

However, the process of Gerald replenishing his grudge was really shocking.

Because of the long-term suppression of the eternal shackles, his body has an extreme thirst for water elements. This thirst is so strong that it almost triggers the laws of heaven and earth, so that the water elements will be poured crazily.

However, such an exaggerated phenomenon must have happened only once today, and it would probably be impossible for Gerald to think of such an exaggerated replenishment of grudge in the future.

The Red Devil Sword Master is also a very conceited master. Seeing such an exaggerated scene at this time, he couldn't help admiring Gerald, and he no longer had any thoughts of winning.He thought to himself that he might not be able to catch up with such a supreme state throughout his life.

With great difficulty, Gerald stopped howling. He took a long breath like a dragon whale sucking water, and suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, and drew his sword to the sky.

A blue brilliance condensed on the tip of the Sky Excalibur, and when the tip of the sword was pointing to the sky, the brilliance on the tip of the sword was already so bright that it was impossible to look at.

The bright blue brilliance escaped from the tip of the sword and flew out towards the sky. It grows when the wind sees it. In the blink of an eye, it changes from a little bit of light to a super fighting qi slash hundreds of meters long. As it continues to fly upwards, it is still Constantly increasing growth.

(End of this chapter)

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