The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1342 Didn't Fight

Chapter 1342 Didn't Fight (31)
The teleportation magic array is not only the patent of space magicians, magicians of all pedigrees also have teleportation magic. The teleportation magic array of Shenjing crystal is based on the magic power of water system, but the teleportation magic array of Shenjing crystal , it must be much worse than the teleportation ability of the space system teleportation array.

"Find out the leader among these people, and I will interrogate him." Li Feng raised his chin at Huwei.

The people arrived quickly, and the result of the interrogation was not beyond Li Feng's expectation.

Looking at the uniforms on these people earlier, Li Feng had roughly guessed the origins of these people. Although he didn't see the bloody battle flag flying, the standard armor on these people was obviously the style of the Parthian army.

The results of the interrogation confirmed Li Feng's guess.

When Li Feng first came to Heimuya, he had a fierce battle with the commander of the Abbasid Palace, Nicholas. Although Nicholas was from the Abbasid Kingdom, he actually led the army to fight against Everest Inspired by the Parthian Empire.

Now that the one-year period has not yet expired, Parthia can't wait to send people over. I don't know if it is because they learned of Nicholas' failure, or because they can't wait to conquer Mount Everest to implement Parthia's mission. strategic purpose.

Mount Everest is on the northern border of the Atlantis Empire, and Parthia occupies it. Not only can it block the trade routes of Atlantis, but more importantly, if the battle on the western front does not go well, Parthia will Asia can also look for breakthroughs from here.

The 1000 people captured at this time were just the vanguard army. With so many people exploring the way, it can be imagined that the Parthian army that came to Mount Everest this time must be quite large.

According to the leader's confession, this time Parthia still sent as many as [-] troops into the mountain through the Abbasid Kingdom.I heard that Heimuya is a mountain sculpture here, so their first goal was to pull out the nail from Heimuya.

It's just that the terrain of Mount Everest is intricate and there are no magicians accompanying the team. The thousand vanguards have been lost in the mountains and lost contact with the large army for two days.

However, the vanguard finally found the right direction to the Blackwood Cliff. Unfortunately, this was not the luck of the vanguard.

"The battle for the throne of the Abbasid Kingdom has come to an end?" Gerald keenly discovered the information hidden in the leader's few words.

The fact that the Parthian Empire's army can borrow from the Abbas Kingdom must have grasped the situation in Abbas.

In fact, this is also very normal. The Parthian Empire must have been operating in Abbas for a long time and its influence must not be small if it was able to instigate rebellion against the Abbas Kingdom.

Although Atlantis was once the suzerain of the Abbasid Kingdom, its influence in Abbasid is probably not as good as Parthia's long-term management.It is not unusual to fall behind Parthia in the race for the throne.

The captured leader was of low status and was unaware of Gerald's problems.But Gerald no longer needs his answer. He only needs to report this information to His Majesty. With His Majesty's wisdom and the information network in his hands, once he pays attention to it, he will definitely be able to check it out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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