The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1362 The Counterfeit Wrist Wheel Success

Chapter 1362 The Counterfeit Wrist Wheel Success (15)
Of course, to say that the magic draining array is ordinary is only relative to Li Feng.In fact, the magic array is a double overlapping magic array, which most magicians cannot make.

Li Feng spent one night recording several magic formations that he only learned today.

Heimuya suddenly had two more beauties, but Li Feng would no longer be able to enjoy the blessing of being equal unless he could get rid of Jessica first.

It wasn't until dawn that Li Feng received the report from the elf knight, and he had already explored the range of activities of all high-level flying monsters nearby.

This matter was explained to Li Feng as soon as he came back yesterday, and he had already agreed on the way that he would prepare some 'souvenirs' for the guests who came to Heimuya.

Li Feng took people out and spent a whole day capturing hundreds of high-level flying monster mounts.

What Gerald caught was an extremely rare white-haired tiger vulture. The white-haired tiger vulture was originally very rare, covered in white hair, and born with a halo of self-healing, the white-haired tiger vulture was an endangered and rare species.

Tiger vultures and griffins are both members of the vulture family, neither of them knows magic, and their combat effectiveness is very close.Griffins are born with an aura of endurance, and their endurance is astonishing. They can fight continuously for up to three days and three nights.The white-haired tiger vulture is born with a self-healing aura, almost like an invincible monster. As long as it doesn't dry it out all at once, no matter how many injuries it receives, it can recover in a very short time.

After using the elixir to catalyze the advancement, the white-haired tiger vulture's self-healing ability became even more exaggerated. Li Feng tried it out. He cut a foot-long gash on the tiger vulture, and the result took less than ten seconds In a short period of time, the wound has already healed, and there is no sequelae at all.

Gerald couldn't help but laugh so hard at getting such a rare museum-worthy mount that it was worth the trip.

The magic pet that Li Feng gave to Mentor Amos is a high-level wind-type magical beast—the blue bird. The blue bird has a beautiful appearance and has no combat power, but it flies very fast.After using the elixir to catalyze a super-level monster, even the mount of the Red Devil Sword Master Huoyan Jinpeng could only follow the blue bird to eat ashes.

Blue Bird also has a talent, that is, it can teleport forward by jumping. Each teleportation can reach hundreds of meters away. After signing the magic pet contract, it can teleport with its master.

If Li Feng hadn't made a sneak attack, he really couldn't have caught this beautiful blue bird.

Originally, the gift that Li Feng prepared for the mentor was a fire-type beast of the same lineage as the mentor, but Amos still chose the blue bird.With the strength of Amos, ordinary fighting magic pets are not very useful to him, and strong combat power is not what Amos pursues.On the contrary, it is very convenient for the blue bird to use it for transportation, and it is dozens of times faster than his magic prop - the flying magic carpet.

Cindy got a dragon eagle as a magic pet.Dragonhawks have the bloodline of the dragon family, and their pedigree is very complicated, which is not inferior to the complicated pedigree of the giant dragon, and they can also use the breath similar to the dragon's breath to attack the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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