The best bandit in another world

Chapter 138 The first time I saw a monster

Chapter 138 Seeing a Warcraft for the First Time (24)
Joan agreed, and walked towards the field with a firm expression.

"Hmph." Teacher Daisy snorted coldly, looking at Teacher Charles with obvious dissatisfaction, but they are both teachers of the academy, even if she is a magician and has a higher status in the team, she can't She lost her temper at Teacher Charles at will, her face became extremely ugly, and she stared at Joan gloomyly.

At a distance of five meters from the colorful beetle, Joan began to blend in with the besieging crowd, and continued to approach it cautiously.

It was only when I got closer that I realized that the colorful beetle really had an amazing defense. After fighting for so long, there were only a few shallow marks on the beetle, without any substantial trauma.

Moreover, its attack power is also a bit terrifying. When you look at it from a distance, you can't feel it very clearly. Only at this time can you really feel it. Every time its horns pass by not far in front of you, it brings There was a gust of wind, and it was a little hot on the face.

Joan did not rush forward, but bide her time carefully.

The colorful beetle rushed towards her again, sweeping its two horns, and nearly knocked off the large swords of the two swordsman students standing in front of Joan.

The two swordsman students retreated and dodged, but Joan suddenly squatted down and rolled forward.

In the blink of an eye, Joan successfully penetrated into the lower abdomen of the colorful beetle. She lay on the ground and slashed at the joint of a leg of the colorful beetle with her sword.

With a soft chirp, Joan hardly felt any resistance, and she had easily removed one of the colorful beetle's legs. As expected, she was hit by Li Feng's words. Cut off two legs of the colorful beetle one after another.

The colorful beetle made a 'cheep' sound, dragging its body with only three remaining legs, and was about to run forward. Joan was not in a hurry to cut off its legs, and swiped her sword at the lower abdomen of the colorful beetle.

Although the abdomen of the colorful beetle is not as strong as the armor on its back, it is not so fragile. Joan slashed up with a sword, but it only broke a small hole.

She immediately changed her stance, changed from slashing to stabbing, stabbing upwards with one sword, and at the same time, a faint light of fighting spirit lit up on the big sword.

Although it was difficult for her to exert strength because she was lying on the ground, with the bonus of fighting spirit, the big sword easily pierced into the abdomen of the colorful beetle.

At this time the colorful beetle was sprinting forward, and the great sword was held in Joan's hand, and it was pulled through its abdomen, almost cutting it in half.

The vitality of the colorful beetle is very strong, even so, it still has to die for a while, struggling left and right for a long time before falling to the ground exhausted.

Qiong gasped for breath and stood up. A few sword strikes seemed to have exhausted her whole body's strength, and a fine layer of sweat oozed from her forehead.

A few female students ran over, put their arms around Joan and screamed: "Joan, you are so powerful, so many people fought for a long time, and you didn't even hurt this colorful beetle. You killed it as soon as you came up, haha, It really gives our sisters a long face."

Joan couldn't hide the joy on his face, and couldn't help but glance at Li Feng, at least [-]% of the credit for being able to slay this monster should be attributed to him.

(End of this chapter)

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