The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1385 Gate of Blood River

Chapter 1385 Gate of Blood River (2)
The speed of Li Feng's forward flight suddenly increased a little, and he jumped to the place where the necromancer was originally standing, and crushed the heart hovering in mid-air.

"It's useless. The sacrifice only works when the ghost song is sung. Now the ghost beast in the blood river must have smelled the breath of life. As soon as the gate of the blood river is opened, it will rush over." Effieras shook his head, his face still extremely ugly.

Upon hearing the term 'Blood River Gate', Li Feng immediately understood what a terrifying magic the ghost song guided.There was still faint and misty voices chanting incantations in the air. Of course, the so-called ghost song was not singing by ghosts. Otherwise, Li Feng's incarnation of 'Yan Luo Wang' at this time must have a way to solve the current situation.

"Take care of the other necromancers first, and then concentrate on blocking the Blood River Gate." Li Feng greeted Eferas in a deep voice, and flew towards the people who were still fighting.

The Gate of Blood River needs at least 5 minutes of preparation time, and Li Feng knows very well that this time is enough for him and Eferas to join forces to deal with the remaining necromancers.

Eferas also came to his senses suddenly, and with the water element, he followed Li Feng and rushed towards the nearest necromancer.

When the two of them made such a move, a dozen or so necromancers were frightened to the point of death, almost turning into veritable undead.

The fate of their leader, the Great Necromancer, has been noticed by every Necromancer. Even the Great Necromancer, who specializes in spells to communicate with the underworld, communicates with the underworld, and has the most means of saving his life, was forced to live by the joint efforts of Li Feng and Eferas. How can they resist Li Feng and Li Feng who are like wolves and tigers?

The necromancer wanted to escape, but the problem was that everyone in Heimuya also saw a helping hand, how could the necromancer escape easily?

The battle soon became one-sided, and Li Feng took the first step. He rushed straight to the opponent of the Red Devil Sword Master, and he did not dodge or evade the necromancer's attempt to intercept his magic. He stretched out his hand and directly pinched the necromancer's neck.

The necromancer originally had a shadow shield on, and his physical defense was very good, but Li Feng's hand directly penetrated the shield, and it didn't seem to be hindered at all. The necromancer's magic hit Li Feng without hurting Li Feng at all. Fur, the negative curse effect attached to the magic, did not work at all.

Li Feng slightly wronged his finger, and there was a crisp click. This opponent, who had been wrestling with the Red Devil Sword Master for a long time, died without humming, leaving only a horrified expression on his face. He didn't even have time to issue the curse before dying.

After becoming the 'King of Yama', Li Feng killed two necromancers one after another without knowing whether it was because the weapons were out of hand.

Eferas over there also fought against Gerald's opponent. Wouldn't it be extremely easy for the great magister and the water element to fight a great undead mage?
What's more, Gerald's strength is also very tyrannical, and the great necromancer has long been at a loss. Eferas just shortened the time for the necromancer's defeat infinitely.

(End of this chapter)

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