The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1393 Gate of Blood River

Chapter 1393 Gate of Blood River (10)
Because he was too surprised, Eferas's magic even stopped, and he was almost shot by the soul-eating spider silk of the redback tarantula.Soul-eating spider silk is the signature magic of the red-backed tarantula. No matter how powerful a magician is, as long as he is entangled in the spider silk, his soul power will be quickly extracted, and it will become a delicious meal in the belly of the red-backed tarantula.

Effieras was shocked into a cold sweat, and he didn't dare to distract himself anymore. Facing these ferocious ghost beasts racing one after another, if he handled them carefully, he might die at any time.

The battle only lasted less than 5 minutes, and the crowd already had the momentum of being unable to stand it.Everyone had been mentally prepared for the power of the ghost beast before, but when it came to the end, they found that their imagination was still a little too poor.

Fortunately, Li Feng said that he was like a saint warrior who exploded from the small universe at this time, his combat power was close to infinity, and he could even kill king-level ghost beasts in one blow, and he had killed three king-rank ghost beasts so far.

But other people are not as powerful as him. Eferas and Gerald can keep up with the rhythm and kill the lord-level ghost beasts that break out one by one.The Red Demon Sword Master was a little bit powerless. After beheading four lord-level ghost beasts one after another, he finally encountered a dangerous situation. If Eferas hadn't used magic to support him remotely in time, he might have been seriously injured.

Nana owns a unicorn mount, and Harriet has recovered the strength of a king-rank monster, and can protect Nana well. In comparison, Avril Lavigne's dragon mount is much inferior.The third-tier giant dragon is still one level behind the lord-level ghost beasts. Its huge body is already covered with wounds. Li Feng has to reach out to support Avril from time to time, otherwise she will definitely not be able to resist the endless stream of ghost beasts.

The situation of everyone is very bad now, more and more high-level ghost beasts have broken through the fire blockade. If this continues, the defense line formed by everyone will definitely collapse in less than 5 minutes.

Li Fengjing took a long breath, and decided to take a risk. If the ghost beast breaks through the blockade, it's really hard to say how many people here can escape. At least half of the slave cavalry will die. .

"Hold on for a minute, and I'll destroy the gate of the blood river." Li Feng reached out and dug out the heart of a king-ranked night dragon, kicked the opponent's petite body away, and shouted to everyone With a sound, the figure has been projected towards the gate of the blood river.

"Don't go, flesh and blood can't stand the influence of the dark energy..." Eferas shouted in horror as he pushed back the lord-level ghost beast in front of him with an instant cast magic.

But Li Feng turned a deaf ear to it completely. Now that he has made up his mind, he will not change it.The figure seemed to be teleporting, two flashes in the air one after another, only a few meters away from the gate of the blood river.

At this distance, the bloody smell was too thick to dissipate. Li Feng's eyes were still majestic like a magic stick, but there was a bit of surprise in them. 'Yan Luo Wang' did not disappoint him. Being in such a strong dark energy, no matter how powerful the life breath is, it will soon become a walking dead, but he didn't feel any strangeness in his body. It's amazing. .

(End of this chapter)

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