The best bandit in another world

Chapter 140 The first time I saw a monster

Chapter 140 Seeing a Warcraft for the First Time (26)
Jessica curled her lips, "It's really rare that you know how to be humble."

Li Feng laughed and said: "Humility is a virtue. I have always been so modest, but I am like a firefly that catches the wind in the dark. No matter how humble I am, others can always find my advantages. Alas, I am so distressed." .”

Jessica looked like she wanted to hit Li Feng's head with her staff a few times, turning this flamboyant firefly into a full-haired firefly, "I just praised you, and my tail immediately turned up, such a guy Can you also be called humble?"

Several girls laughed, and Li Feng smiled, but was not angry.

Soon Teacher Daisy greeted the students and started to move forward.

Teacher Charles knew that it was Li Feng's advice that Joan could easily kill the colorful beetle, so he came here to talk with Li Feng. Having met a student like Li Feng, Li Feng could easily figure out how to deal with three monsters in succession. Li Feng couldn't do this.

He has always favored talented students. Although no one knows what kind of achievements they will achieve in the future, no matter what, there is nothing wrong with maintaining a good relationship now.

During the procession of the team, Li Feng suddenly stopped, looked sideways at the root of a big tree, and let out a light sigh, "Bai Fuling?"

"What white tuckahoe? Another seasoning pigment?" Jessica couldn't help asking when she heard Li Feng's whisper.

Li Feng rolled his eyes and walked towards the big tree, "She is obviously a beautiful girl, why is she always thinking about eating?"

Jessica said angrily: "You guys are always mysterious, I just ask casually, who cares about eating?"

Li Feng squatted on the ground, pulled out a few balls of white tuckahoe, carefully identified them, and felt that there should be no mistake. He raised his hand and smiled at Jessica: "Do you want to become more beautiful?"

Jessica's eyes lit up, and she was about to speak, but her face suddenly changed, and she exclaimed, "Be careful."

In fact, without her reminding, Li Feng had already sensed the danger. He only felt a palpitation, his hair stood on end, and a faint sound of breaking wind came from the left side.

Li Feng didn't have time to think about it, he listened to the wind to identify the position, and swung the dagger in his hand swiftly and mercilessly.

There was a soft "嗤", what was attacking was already cut into two sections by Li Feng's dagger.

Fortunately, because of the increasing number of monsters, he always holds the dagger in his hand.

Only now did he have time to see what was attacking. He glanced at it and saw a green snake lying on the ground that had been broken into two pieces. The green color on the snake's body was very bright, and it was still convulsing slightly on the ground.

Li Feng was covered in cold sweat. This snake was not a magical beast, but before Li Feng came to the trial, he checked a lot of information in the library. He had read about this snake in a book. The toxicity is very strong, if you are bitten by it, your heart will stop beating within 30 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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