The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1403 Gate of Blood River

Chapter 1403 Gate of Blood River (20)
In fact, although Li Feng is not talking about it, he still has some guesses in his heart. He thinks that His Majesty Pluto will not return to the Titan Continent, maybe it is because he is afraid of the punishment of the sun, but this guess is a bit too bizarre, and Li Feng himself does not believe it. .

Putting aside these boundless conjectures, everyone drove for several hours.It was almost dark when they encountered the [-] troops of Parthia.

The [-] army seems to be a lot of people, but there are also a lot of people in Heimuya. The two great magisters cast a few instant magic spells, and the two sword masters also sent out a few fighting qi slashes, easily destroying the few weapons carried by the other party. Heavy machinery, and then it was the slave cavalry's turn to charge the enemy.

The air cavalry army didn't even make a move, they just swayed in the sky, and when they saw the enemy's army crumbled, they chased after them and drove back all the deserters from the other side.

Tens of thousands of high-level monsters just used an instant spell to stun the opponent, and then the battle became one-sided. Several guests who came from afar finally saw all the cavalry with high-level monster mounts. How powerful the fighting power can be.

Gerald was the most excited. Thinking that the Atlantis Empire would soon have tens of thousands of powerful high-level monster mounts galloping across the battlefield with the Parthian Empire, he couldn't close his mouth with laughter.

Atlantis still has tens of thousands of green scorpions. If Li Feng can help these tens of thousands of green scorpions to be raised to the level of high-level monsters, how strong will Atlantis be?
But this idea is a bit illusory, and Gerald also knew that Li Feng would definitely not be so generous.

"The natural disaster of the undead is about to break out, but Atlantis has a dispute with the Parthian Empire at this time. Alas, I don't know if this war can be avoided?" Dean Eferas sighed and said: " All human power should have been devoted to the war against the necromancer, so it's a pity to have such internal friction for nothing."

"The dispute was not provoked by Atlantis. Now that His Majesty has the help of Blackwood Cliff, he is even more powerful. Even if the army of the Parthian Empire withdraws from Atlantis at this time, His Majesty will definitely not let it go." Gerald shook his head again and again, "What's more, Parthia planned this dispute with great ambition, and will never retreat easily, so war is absolutely inevitable. Defeating the opponent as soon as possible and ending the war is the best way."

Li Feng didn't have so many ideas. The fight between Atlantis and Parthia was none of his business, and he could just take the opportunity to make some war money.

The 5000 army captured more than 5000 people. Under the overwhelming strength of Heimuya, the Parthian army did not even have a symbolic resistance. Even the more than [-] unlucky ghosts who died were also captured The slave cavalry were killed by a flash of instant magic.

These captives are all soldiers of the Parthian Empire, and it is certainly impossible for them to join Blackwood Cliff, so they will become real slaves and will never stand up again.

Li Feng didn't even bother to waste time interrogating the purpose of these troops. If Parthia didn't know what to do and sent people to Blackwood Cliff to find fault in the future, he would directly lead people to demolish Parthia's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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