The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1410 Gate of Blood River

Chapter 1410 Gate of Blood River (27)
In order to destroy the corpses and traces, Li Feng ordered again to kill all the winged pegasus that were running away in all directions. These winged pegasus were all tamed, and Li Feng could tame them all with only a small amount of effort. But Li Feng obviously didn't want to leave any hidden dangers behind.

The paladins were equipped with excellent equipment, but Li Feng did not hesitate to ask someone to send these weapons to the dwarf tribe and melt them all.The same is true for the iris flower badge. Counting by head count, not one badge can be left behind.

The corpse on the ground was burnt clean by Amos, and even the blood disappeared. No one could see that just a few minutes ago, there had been a brutal murder here.

Fortunately, those noble students who were guests at Heimuya didn't come over at this time, and didn't see this bloody scene, otherwise Li Feng might kill people again to silence them.Of course, outsiders will not be allowed to visit the military operation of Heimuya. Even if the raid plan does not need to be kept too secret, it cannot be publicized by itself.

Li Feng dared to kill this team of paladins, not to say that he was not afraid of the Holy See. In the battle of castrating Adonis in the small hotel, the family of Andre and Jenny were ruined because the first and last parts were not cleaned up. This kind of mistake.

Without Li Feng's order, all the people in Heimuya kept their mouths tightly shut, secretly reminding themselves that they would never reveal the glorious record of killing the paladin in the future, it was purely courting death.

Li Feng did not leave a living person to interrogate why the paladin came to Heimuya, because he was not sure whether the paladin had the means to send the news back to the Holy See.

Avril moved her lips, but she didn't say anything. When she saw the Golden Winged Tiger coming back alone, and a group of paladins followed behind her, she guessed that Helen's situation must be not very good.But now that she was about to leave, she didn't want to cause trouble at such a time, so she could only discuss with Li Feng how to rescue Helen in the future.

"Alan, you..." Gerald was dumbfounded and speechless.

"If you want to kill, kill them all. Allen did nothing wrong," Amos glanced at Gerald, and said lightly: "The paladins have the ability to express prayers, and if they are given even a little chance to breathe, they will die." I will report everything that happened here to the highest holy mountain, do you want the three major guardian knights of the Holy See to come to Blackwood Cliff together?"

What Amos said proved that Li Feng's worries were not unfounded. As long as he hesitated a little and kept a paladin from killing him, today's daring murder case would no longer be covered up.

Fortunately, among the people present today, few are firm believers in the God of Light, and no one will go to the Holy See to inform.

"Oh..." Gerald let out a long sigh.

The paladin's sudden attack and Heimuya's fierce counterattack were all completed in an instant. Gerald didn't even have a chance to block it, and the battle was settled.

Effieras squinted at Li Feng, and his heart was turbulent. He didn't expect that Li Feng would be so crazy that he dared to destroy the Templars of the Holy See at the slightest disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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