The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1413 Gate of Blood River

Chapter 1413 Gate of Blood River (30)
Someone in the palace was stepping over, and it sounded particularly ear-piercing in the silent palace.It's time to open the palace gates and welcome civil and military officials into the palace to meet His Majesty.

Suddenly a sound like rolling thunder came to everyone's ears in the sky, making people involuntarily look up, could it be thunder?It's not like a rainy day today.

The sound of rolling thunder became louder and louder. When everyone was in doubt, their eyes suddenly lit up. Dazzling fireworks exploded in the sky, and then a burst of miserable shouts reached everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, and they had already seen clearly that the balls of fireworks turned out to be the Flying Scorpion Knight who was hit by the enemy's fighting spirit and magic, and his flesh and blood flew all over the place. Issued before death.

"Enemy attack...Enemy attack..."

Heart-piercing screams sounded from the tower, and in the extreme panic, the Imperial Guard soldiers guarding the palace all forgot to ring the magic alarm bell, and just shouted desperately at the top of their lungs.


The corpse of the flying scorpion knight fell from the sky hundreds of meters away, and hit a crystal-clear barrier, causing ripples in circles.The Heavenly Cauldron Barrier is always open at any time, and it will appear when it is attacked.

The civil and military officials finally came to their senses and understood what had happened—the palace of the Ethiopian Empire was attacked by the enemy.

Immediately, all the officials began to run away crying and shouting for their mothers. Only a few generals stayed in place, pulled out the weapons at their waists, narrowed their eyes, and looked at a black cloud that suddenly floated in the sky.

They have already seen clearly that the battle qi slashes and magic are all shot out of this black cloud.

The Heavenly Cauldron enchantment suddenly became brighter. This must be because the enchanter controlling the enchantment in the imperial palace had reacted and added a large number of magic crystals to maintain the most important barrier protecting the imperial palace.

Countless streaks of dazzling lightning suddenly shot out from the black cloud, slamming fiercely at the same position in the Heavenly Cauldron Barrier.

The light of the Heavenly Cauldron Barrier violently rippled and then shattered, turning the night sky into a pitch-black curtain again.

The Heavenly Cauldron Barrier guarding the palace was broken by the enemy in just one round. The faces of the generals in front of the palace changed drastically, and the fleeing officials moved a little faster.

The black cloud rolled and swept towards the most important position of the palace. Under the illumination of the magic lights in the palace all night, huge figures came out of the black cloud and rushed towards the positions of all the heavy equipment on the tower.

Suddenly there was an oracle-like chanting sound in the sky, but it stopped immediately after only a few syllables, but no magic was released.

Only Emperor Beleromin, who was awakened in the bedroom and wanted to activate the space teleportation array to temporarily leave the palace for refuge, suddenly became extremely panic-stricken.Because the moment the incantation stopped in the sky, all the teleportation arrays used for emergency evacuation in the palace could no longer be activated.

Five figures suddenly jumped up in the palace, and countless flying scorpion knights jumped into the sky in all directions, rushing madly towards the black clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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