The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1428 The Great War Resurrection

Chapter 1428 The Great War Resurrection (9)
Lights of healing fell from the sky, continuously healing the wounds of the three of them, and the three of them also took out pills of pills and delivered them to their mouths.

In fact, there are many Heimuya's subordinates nearby, fighting with the swarming Ouchi guards, and many of them can spare a lot of manpower to support Avril.But Avril does not let other people help, this is her and her younger brother's revenge, she wants to kill the enemy herself, and she will never allow others to intervene in the destruction.

Andromeda finished chanting the spell, and sent out a flame dragon shock wave, blasting towards Bere Lomin.The little girl had already advanced to the level of a great magician, but it was only at this time that she successfully cast the first magic of the level of a great magician.

As soon as the Yanlong shock wave fell on the thorn armor, it immediately reflected back at a faster speed.The thorn armor can reflect one-third of the physical attack power, but it can directly reflect back the magic, and it also has half the power of this magic.

Andromeda's face turned pale. She didn't expect that the thorn armor could even rebound magic. When releasing the flame dragon's shock wave, she didn't even activate the shield.

Seeing that the Yanlong shock wave was about to submerge Andromeda's small figure, two phantom monster heads popped up from the little girl's neck, chewing up the Yanlong shock wave directly.

The skull necklace that Li Feng gave Andromeda at the beginning finally showed its power for the first time today and saved the little girl's life.

Even though the Yanlong Shockwave lost half of its power, it was still much more powerful than high-level magic. It wasted two phantom monster heads to block this magic.

The three of Avril Lavigne had already been shocked to the point of bleeding, and their appearance was horrible, especially Ferdinand, who had the most swords and the strongest strength, so he also received the most shocks. With the life-hanging elixir holding on, Ferdinand might have already collapsed.

In fact, the Thorn Armor is not without its weaknesses. The defensive power of this armor is unparalleled in the world, but it only lasts for less than 10 minutes. Even if Avril Lavigne and the others don’t attack it, it will dissipate naturally when the time is up. The next time it works, you have to wait until Fifteen days later.

But Avril's brother and sister are eager for revenge, they can't wait for a second, 10 minutes is too long, and after 10 minutes, who knows how many masters will come to rescue him?
Fortunately, Andromeda's flame dragon shock wave was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the thorn armor finally shattered.

At this time, the three of Avril Lavigne were already on the verge of collapse and suffered heavy injuries, but the three of them were full of anger, and a flame of vengeance was burning. It seemed that they could not feel the severe injuries to their bodies at all. When they saw the thorn armor broken, they waved The sword fell down.

Bere Romin was also dizzy from the huge shock force, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his image was no better than the three of Avril Lavigne. Where to go, the thorn armor was shattered, and his pale face, which had already faded from blood, became even more Snow white, with despair in his eyes.

The big swords of Avril's three people fell at the same time, but they heard a loud bang, sparks splashed, and the hands were shaken, and the three big swords were bounced far away.A miniature dragon with teeth and claws suddenly emerged from the void, lying between the three of Avril Lavigne and Bere Romin.

(End of this chapter)

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