The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1432 The Great War Resurrection

Chapter 1432 The Great War Resurrection (13)
But last time Li Feng supported Gerald, this time he ran to support the Red Devil Sword Master.

The enemy of the Red Devil Sword Master this time is also a fire-type sword master, but the strength of the two is far apart, and the Red Devil Sword Master is about to win.

Li Feng only used five instant frost and cold crystal blades, and the fire swordsman was in a hurry. He was pierced by the sword of the red devil swordsman, leaving a huge wound on his chest and abdomen.

The Red Devil Sword Master's ability to control strength was obviously not as good as Gerald's. Although he also failed to kill the opponent, he caused huge trauma to the opponent.

With the help of Li Feng, the Red Devil Sword Master eliminated the enemy, and immediately rushed towards Gerald's two opponents aggressively. In fact, Gerald was close to winning without the help of the Red Devil Sword Master.

After becoming a Juggernaut, Gerald has never encountered a strong man of the same level, and he has not yet fully adjusted and adapted to his soaring strength. With [-]% power already erupted, his two opponents were completely unable to resist. Often when Gerald slashed out with his sword casually, his two opponents were in a panic.If it wasn't for Gerald not wanting to hurt people, many destructive moves could not be used, and these two sword masters might have been unable to support them.

If he faced the original earth-type sword master now, Gerald might have won the opponent in seconds without waiting for Li Feng to support him.As expected of a genius who is praised by the people of Atlantis, Gerald's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes in just such a short period of time.

The Red Devil Sword Master had already gone to support Gerald, so Li Feng didn't need to do anything extra, but turned to find Avril and the others.

He turned his head and glanced, everyone on his side had the upper hand, only Eferas fought harder, but Eferas would definitely not ask for help from others.Even if there is no him here, there shouldn't be any changes. Almost all the masters that should come from Ethiopia have already come.

Li Feng didn't even kite the great wind mage anymore. Gerald and the Red Devil Sword Master would be able to finish off their opponents in a short time, and then free up their hands to deal with the great wind mage.Moreover, Amos seemed to be about to finish off his opponent. The strength of Li Feng, the mentor, was really sensational.

Li Feng was a little worried about Avril's safety. The sudden arrival of the dragon knight just now had already surprised him. If he hadn't seen the tiger guards in Heimuya take down the dragon knight with three punches and two kicks, Li Feng would have already gone to support him up.


"Stop..." A scream came from not far from the three of Avril Lavigne, "Who dares to kill His Majesty Belle Romin in front of Archbishop Joseph?"

Avril's three sword-wielding hands couldn't help but suffocate. Turning their heads to look, a beautiful woman with disheveled hair and luxurious clothes, and a middle-aged man wearing a white priest's robe and holding a priest's code of law, surrounded by dozens of guards Next, walking towards the three of them, the screaming one was a beautiful woman with disheveled hair.

"Emperor Bereiromin is a believer of the God of Light, and he was once blessed by His Majesty the Pope. Are you trying to provoke a holy war by killing him?" Archbishop Joseph's voice seemed peaceful, but it carried an incomparably domineering tone. and majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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