The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1434 The Great War Resurrection

Chapter 1434 The Great War Resurrection (15)
"Stop, or I'll kill him..." Avril Jianfeng pressed down, and shouted sharply, with unconcealable panic in her eyes.

Archbishop Joseph stood three meters away, holding the priest's code of law in one hand, and raising the other hand high, and said softly: "My child, I am here to help you, let go of the hatred in your mind, the merciful God will forgive you... ..."

"Pretending to be a ghost, Avril, don't pay attention to this magic stick, just cut people." A disdainful voice sounded in the sky: "Bereromin is not the only believer in the God of Light. If you kill someone casually, you will start a jihad. The Holy See You don’t have to do anything all day, so you can change your career and become a police officer.”

"The master..." Avril raised her head in surprise.

Perseus and Ferdinand were also a little distracted by Li Feng's arrival, and looked up involuntarily.

At this moment, from the corners of the eyes of the three of them, they suddenly found that where the sword was pointing, there was a flash of white light, and the sword slashed down involuntarily.

When... the big swords of the three of them seemed to hit a big bell, and there was a deafening bang, and then they lightened their hands, and Belleromin was already covered in a milky white transparent barrier, and was dragged to Archbishop Joseph. in front of you.

The three of Avril suddenly burst into anger, and were about to swing their swords forward, but they stopped suddenly.It is true that, as the master said, killing Bereromin might not lead to the siege of the Holy See. In history, not one or two emperors were assassinated or hanged, and the Holy See has never heard of it.

However, to attack the archbishop of the Holy See under the watchful eyes of everyone is definitely a heinous crime, and it is definitely enough to provoke a holy war, and the three of them have to be scruples.

Li Feng flipped upside down in the air, and landed beside Avril gracefully, looked at Archbishop Joseph, and said with a sneer: "Mr. Archbishop, you first seduced my friend with the divine voice of Difan, and now you rescue him. Putting down the capital, Belle Romin has benefited you a lot, right? Or, what is the relationship between you and the old witch of Cassiopeia?"

The three of Avril Lavigne were fascinated by the authorities, but Li Feng was clear in his heart. When Archbishop Joseph persuaded the three of Avril Lavigne just now, there was a bewitching power in his voice.This is a spiritual magic. If other people use it, the Holy See will definitely define it as the temptation of the devil, but if the priest of the Holy See of Light uses it, it is called Difan Shenyin, which is a divine magic.

If it weren't for Di Fan's divine voice, the three of Avril Lavigne would not have been so easily shaken in their will.

Chapter 416 Holy Curse

Archbishop Joseph had a good self-cultivation, but at this moment, there was still obvious anger on his face.

Ordinary priests can't help but get married, but if they want to climb to a high position, they must have the most steadfast faith, dedicate their whole life to the God of Light, and not be entangled by worldly emotions.To put it bluntly, if you want to get promoted and make a fortune in the Holy See, you have to be a bachelor for the rest of your life.Power and beauty are incompatible.

(End of this chapter)

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