The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1437 The Great War Resurrection

Chapter 1437 The Great War Resurrection (18)
The priests of the Holy See don’t have many offensive methods, but their defensive magic is absolutely the best in the mainland. Just now, Archbishop Joseph opened a milky white transparent barrier in the blink of an eye to protect Emperor Bereiromin inside. The three Avril Lavigne simultaneously Swinging the sword down will not be able to break through this enchantment, the defensive power of the enchantment can be imagined.

Release such a powerful enchantment, the speed is still so fast, Archbishop Joseph did not rely on the scroll at all, but his casting speed is so fast.

At this time, Archbishop Joseph turned pale with astonishment, but he still had time to open a transparent defensive barrier to cover himself inside.Facing so many ultra-level demonic beast attacks, the Archbishop could no longer care about greeting Emperor Beleromin.

Boom boom boom... I don't know how many spells bombarded the archbishop's defensive barrier at this moment, and the transparent barrier was violently twisted, but it didn't shatter immediately. The defensive power was a bit ridiculous.

"Wait, Belle Romin is at your disposal, and I won't take care of your affairs anymore..." Archbishop Joseph looked at the twisted defensive barrier, his brows twitched violently, and he hurriedly shouted.

The archbishop was lucky enough to think that Li Feng was just trying to scare him, but now that dozens of tyrannical and terrifying spells were blasted on the defensive barrier, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that Li Feng was going for the real thing. I couldn't help but be so frightened that my liver and gallbladder were torn apart, how could I dare to be tough?

But it's a pity that the person in front of him is Li Feng - a big villain who believes in either not doing it or being an absolute villain, so the end of the archbishop was already doomed at the moment Li Feng gave the order.

Now that the first step has been taken, there is no turning back.Li Feng could see clearly that even if the archbishop were to be let go today, the Holy See would certainly not let it go.Attacking the archbishop and killing the archbishop are both heinous crimes, and they will also be hunted down by the Holy See.That being the case, why not be happy with your enmity?
Seeing the coldness in Li Feng's eyes, showing no sign of mercy, Archbishop Joseph couldn't help but see despair and endless resentment in his eyes, and stared at Li Feng firmly.

"I curse you, I curse you that you will be killed by the divine punishment sent by the God of Light..." Archbishop Joseph's sharp curse stopped abruptly before it ended—the body was torn to pieces, if It is really strange to be able to curse aloud.

Cursing magic is not exclusive to necromancers. When priests of the Holy See of Light are killed, they can also issue holy curses before death.However, different from the necromancer's curse magic, the holy curse is a curse aimed at the fate of people, and most of the holy curses will not be fulfilled, and the probability of winning the lottery is absolutely ridiculously low.

But once the divine curse is fulfilled, it can never be lifted.

For example, now that Archbishop Joseph issued a holy curse, if it doesn't work, it's okay. Once he wins the big prize and hits the ridiculously low probability, then Li Feng will have to face the divine punishment from the God of Light.

(End of this chapter)

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