The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1440 The Great War Resurrection

Chapter 1440 The Great War Resurrection (21)
Because the emotions were too angry and excited, the real red cage shook violently and almost collapsed.Andromeda had no choice but to restrain her mind and let the old witch use her tongue. Anyway, as long as the defensive barrier is broken, the real red cage will naturally make the old witch feel bad.

The temperature of the real red cage is not too high, it can burn a person for several hours before the other person dies, it is definitely a first-class vicious criminal law.Andromeda originally thought that she was a little too cruel, but the old witch's vicious curses kept coming from her ears, which made her afraid that the red cage was not vicious enough.

Li Feng turned his head and looked into the distance, and found that Gerald and the Red Devil Sword Master were chasing and fighting the great wind mage. Amos hadn't solved the opponent yet, but it was almost there.

Effieras has also gained the upper hand, the great magister Albonio roared again and again, but he still couldn't do anything to Eferas.With the help of the magic pet Owltail, Effilas fought more and more vigorously. After so long in the battle, the magic power was still at full capacity. On the contrary, although Albonio was helped by the magic pet, the power of the fire magic It's amazing, but the magic power has been somewhat behind.

The plan to raid the palace this time was considered to be a final decision. In fact, Li Feng and Gerald had made many plans before, but in the end, they were almost useless.In the ever-changing battlefield, everyone can only adapt to the situation.

Li Feng waved his hands vigorously to the dozens of subordinates who were still surrounding him, and cursed: "Why don't you go and steal the Douchi treasury upside down, and just stand here and watch the fun?"

The robbers dispersed immediately, and rushed towards the location of the Ouchi treasury like locusts. Everyone knew the map of the Ethiopian Palace by heart.

Everyone's faces were full of excitement that could not be concealed. The head of the family had single-handedly turned the Abbasid Palace upside down, and even ransacked the other's treasury.Of course, everyone can't compare with the big master, but under the command of the big master, they can rob the palace of the great human empire in an open and honest manner, which is definitely enough to show off a lifetime of experience.

With such a brilliant performance, even if he is a robber, he is definitely the top robber, the champion of the robber profession.

Each of Avril's three slashed at least ten swords in succession, and the defensive barrier on Belleromin's body broke with a snort, turning into a speck of fluorescent light.

Bereiromin fell to the ground, his face livid, his lips purple, and trembling, he didn't know what he was muttering, until he saw the defensive barrier was broken, he suddenly woke up as if awakened, and screamed: "You can't kill me! , I am Emperor Bereiromin, I have been blessed by the Pope with the blessing of the Archangel, if you kill me, you will definitely be killed by the wrath of the Archangel..."

The eyes of Avril's sister and brother erupted with anger, how could they be so easily intimidated?
After the emperor who was blessed by the archangel was killed, there was only a one in a thousand chance of incurring the anger of the archangel, and the probability of attack was so low that it couldn't be lower.

And even if the archangel's blessing will occur [-]%, the siblings will not have the slightest fear, they have waited for this day for too long, revenge is right in front of them, how can they give up?

(End of this chapter)

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