The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1465 Wonderful Faith

Chapter 1465 Wonderful Faith (10)
There is only one exception, the Peerless Juggernaut who is currently fighting Gerald.

The Peerless Sword Master lives in Moonwatch Peak thousands of miles away from the imperial capital all the year round. After receiving the news of the imperial capital calling for help, he hurried to the imperial capital through the teleportation array.

The Peerless Sword Master was once presented with a gold plaque of 'Unparalleled Under the Moon' by the former emperor of Isobia, that is, Bereromin's dead father. , is also a well-known super strong.

Wushuang Sword Master was a late bloomer, until he was in his 40s, he was just an obscure junior swordsman. It is said that he got a broken page of the "Holy Code" more than 50 years ago, and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds since then, only 20 years old. In just a few years, he broke through to the supreme level of Juggernaut.

In fact, Wushuang Juggernaut may not be very loyal to the Ethiopian royal family. It can be seen from the fact that he has always lived in Wangyue Peak since he became famous and never got close to the Ethiopian royal family.

Moreover, there are many disciples of the Wushuang Sword Master, and there are many strong men under Wangyue Peak, but few of them hold any official positions in Ethiopia. From this point of view, the Wushuang Sword Master seems to have no good impression of the Ethiopian royal family.

But Bereromin's father, Emperor Kefus, not only presented Wushuang Swordsman with a gold plaque of "Under the Moon", but also gave the entire Moon Moon Peak to Wushuang Swordsman, which can be said to be kind to Wushuang Swordsman of.Therefore, after Wushuang Sword Master rushed to the imperial capital and figured out the situation, he made a request to everyone in Heimuya, hoping to treat the remains of Emperor Beleromin kindly so that his body and head could be buried together.

This was originally a trivial request, but Avril Lavigne would definitely not agree, because she still had to pay homage to her parents with Bere Romin's head.

In the case of neither side making concessions, the only thing to do is to see whose fist is harder.Of course, the strong naturally have the dignity of the strong. Wushuang Sword Master is known as the number one master in Isobia, and he will definitely not bully the small with the big. If he shoots at Avril, the great sword master, all the masters in Heimuya are embarrassed to rush forward .

So the final result was a gambling fight between Gerald and the Peerless Juggernaut.

Chapter 424

"Andromeda is also a member of the royal family of Isobia, the daughter of the old ghost Kefus. You didn't let Andromeda negotiate with the Peerless Sword Master?" Li Feng frowned, "Based on how grandpa and Wushuang Juggernaut are fighting, we may not be able to tell the winner in three days and three nights. Are we going to wait here for three days and three nights?"

The fighting spirit of the Juggernaut is extremely strong, and the speed of recovery is astonishingly fast. It is not impossible for a fight to last for three days and three nights.

Even if everyone can eat, drink, and sleep without rest, but in three days, who knows how many troops from Ethiopia have come to King Qin.

Avril and Nana looked at each other with wry smiles, then turned their gazes in the same direction.Li Feng was stunned, followed the gaze of the two women, and couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows even more, "What are you doing, why haven't you dealt with the old temptress yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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