The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1475 Wonderful Faith

Chapter 1475 Wonderful Faith (20)
"What crime was Pope Formosus tried for? It is said that when the Pope was alive, he was notoriously strong. He had promulgated many decrees that were very beneficial to the people. How could not only the decrees be overturned after his death? , Even the corpses are going to be dug up for interrogation? How could the supreme pope of a generation end up in this kind of fate?” Li Feng became curious, and instead of explaining his worries in a hurry, he asked a series of questions instead.

Eferas recalled for a while, and said: "I do know some inside information. Formosus is a very capable pope, but the several decrees he promulgated were actually made before his death. , It is tantamount to a legacy. Although these decrees have not been implemented for a long time and cannot be seen as good or bad, they have greatly damaged the interests of many people in the Holy See. Presumably Pope Formosus also knows that the decree is inappropriate. Once promulgated If he came out, he would offend countless vested interests, and he might not be able to suppress him even as the pope, so he didn't promulgate it in the form of a will until his death.

In the Holy See, the teachings left by the previous Pope are usually equal to the truth, and they are to be written into the Code of Light, and they are differently changed.Formosus's move was undoubtedly very clever, but he probably would never have imagined that the successor he appointed not only failed to carry forward his will, but overturned all his decrees, and even frantically fiddled with a scene of corpse trial. The anecdote made Formosus a treacherous and evil pope. "

"So there are these stories, but I've never heard of them." Amos nodded thoughtfully.

"No way, isn't the Pope the spokesperson of the God of Light? To portray Formosus as a treacherous pope, isn't it openly questioning the vision of the God of Light?" Li Feng said a little strangely: "This is also for the reputation of the Holy See. A big blow, right?"

"The Holy See has never acknowledged the authenticity of the anecdote of the autopsy. Pope Stephen is very smart. When he abolished the decree of Pope Formosus, he didn't even list the reasons. Naturally, believers will help him weave all kinds of reasons. Come on." Effieras sneered twice, "So talking about beliefs is all nonsense. Even if there is a so-called God of Light in the world, the Holy See is preached and developed by people. Since it is a person, there will be competition for power and profit. , there will be all kinds of heinous dark sides.”

"Pope Stephen is also from a famous family, so it's really unexpected that he would do such a shameless thing." Amos smiled slightly.As a magician, Amos obviously didn't have much awe for the gods and beliefs.

"The prestige of the Holy See of Light has long covered the entire Titan Continent. An inexplicable rumor has yet to shake the supremacy of the Holy See of Light," the dean curled his lips with disdain, and then asked in a strange way: "Alan, what are you doing?" Why did you suddenly ask about the Holy See? Why did you suddenly ask about a former pope who had been dead for more than 60 years?"

Li Feng frowned. After listening to Effieras' words, he somewhat wavered from his previous thoughts. The anecdote of the interrogation was due to a dispute of interests, or disputes over rights. It seemed too far-fetched to involve the Necromancer. , His speculation in Heimuya back then was because he didn't understand these past events.

(End of this chapter)

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