The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1481 Wonderful Faith

Chapter 1481 Wonderful Faith (26)
However, derivative fighting qi is very rare. Warriors who practice fighting qi are not as familiar with elements as magicians. There are countless magicians who have mastered advanced magic, but there are very few warriors who have mastered derived fighting qi. Even Gerald Such an amazingly talented person doesn't know how to fight against frost, which requires not only talent, but also adventure.

The Dou Qi used by the Peerless Sword Master at this time was a bright white light, but everyone clearly felt that it was not the holy Dou Qi unique to the knights of the Holy See, but more like a faint moonlight.

The Moonlight Dou Qi seems lonely and weak, but its power is not at all inferior to the seven main elemental Dou Qi. The power of the small crescent-shaped Dou Qi Slash is a bit outrageous. When it blasts on the ground far away, it is often silent. It can create a pothole tens of meters deep without breathing.

Gerald's Thunderbolt Sword Skill is powerful and breathtaking, and possesses a kind of overwhelming power. If his opponent is not strong enough, his mind will be easily taken away, and ten percent of his strength will not be able to exert half of it.

However, Wushuang Sword Master's sword skills are like mercury pouring down the ground, and like a bright moon hanging high, the bright moonlight shines on the earth, often hearing thunder in silence, and only those who fight with it can know the surging potential.

"Happy, really happy..." Facing this unprecedentedly powerful enemy, Gerald couldn't help shouting, and at the same time, his fighting spirit was getting higher and higher.

Gerald was originally born to fight more and more courageously. He was born to fight. Only when the enemy is stronger, can he burst out with amazing potential like an oppressed spring.

In the past, when Gerald was still a great swordsman, how could he defeat one sword master after another and firmly sit on the throne of the top master of Atlantis?Relying on his bravery.

The Peerless Juggernaut also seemed to be feeling a lot of pressure, and his face became more and more dignified. He debuted for more than 30 years, which was later than Gerald became famous, but he has faced many strong people.

The name of the Sword Master Wushuang is well-known in the mainland, but it is also a huge burden. Every year, there are unparalleled sword masters who come to Wangyue Peak to challenge him, but in his life, he has never encountered a person like Jie Lard such an enemy.

At the beginning of the battle, the Peerless Juggernaut still had the upper hand, but he couldn't end the battle quickly. Instead, Gerald, with his incomparable fighting spirit, regained the disadvantage step by step, and he was evenly divided with him until Now, out of the impossible, Gerald once again exploded with astonishing fighting power, which made the Peerless Sword Master feel more and more strenuous.

Wushuang Juggernaut has actually heard about Gerald's name as a genius, and even felt sorry for him when he learned that the other party would lose the possibility of being promoted to Juggernaut forever.

After that, when I learned that Gerald had defeated several Juggernauts of Atlantis one after another, and was known as the number one master of Atlantis, the Peerless Juggernaut was somewhat disapproving, thinking that it was because of Atlantis. The sword masters are too weak.

(End of this chapter)

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