The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1491 Wonderful Faith

Chapter 1491 Wonderful Faith (36)
As for whether the Ethiopian royal family will fall into chaos in the battle for the throne, no one cares anymore.

Anyway, all the masters in Ethiopia have superhuman awareness, and under the threat of the undead natural disaster, they will never let the chaos continue.

As soon as everyone reached the sky, there was an earth-shattering shout on the ground: "Who blasphemed the great God of Light? Who killed Archbishop Joseph? Who challenged the Holy See? Hurry up and accept the Cross of Light!" A ruling against the Knights?"

The Holy See's most mysterious Knights of the Holy Cross sanctioned by the Cross finally arrived long overdue.At this time, nearly two hours had passed since Archbishop Joseph and the Archangel were killed by Li Feng.

Since the Holy See became the overlord of the Titan Continent, no one has dared to challenge the majesty of the Holy See for thousands of years, and the Knights of the Light Cross Sanctions have not been dispatched for thousands of years. Under such circumstances, it took two hours to start the conquest process.

In addition to the three major Apologist Knights, the Holy See of Light also has the Bright Cross Sanction Knights who specialize in conquering heretics. Because the heretics have been wiped out from the human world, this bloody Knights have long since ceased to appear in the world. In the eyes of the world, even the pursuit of traitors, or the occasional rebellion by heretics, is done by the three major apologist knights. Legend has it that this mysterious knight order has long since been revoked.

Even many believers of the God of Light have forgotten the existence of this knight order.

However, the glorious record of killing the archangel and the archbishop finally allowed the ancient knights to reappear on the mainland. Li Feng should be proud of this.

But unfortunately, because of the haste, only a few members of this knight group have flying mounts. Under the threat of a variety of super-level monsters in the sky, these few air knights dare not take off at all.

With the Holy See's consistent domineering, this kind of fear is rare, but there is no way. Now that they know that the other party has killed the archbishop and the archangel one after another, these paladins know very well that once they take off, the other party will definitely not attack them. show mercy.My own life is my own, and no one wants to seek death. After all, fanatics who have the courage to die for religion are a minority.

But even so, the tone of the paladins is still full of consistent domineering, and they will always represent someone to carry out the ruling.

Li Feng didn't like this at all, and laughed wildly: "Let Pope Stephen wash his ass and wait. I will go to him sooner or later."

Saying no more, the paladins who were so angry that they were about to blow themselves up gave a whistle, and everyone in Heimuya flew across the border like locusts, whistling across the sky, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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