The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1514 Unlucky Judy

Chapter 1514 Unlucky Judy (23)
"Large teleportation array?" Hearing Li Feng's emotion, Amos suddenly frowned, turned his head and looked at Effilas, and then the two great magisters stared at Li Feng at the same time, with extremely strange expressions , Li Feng was stared at until the hairs down in his heart.

Why is there no large-scale teleportation magic circle in Titan Continent today?Isn't it because the overlapping magic array diagram is too complicated, no one can master it at all?The mainstream double overlapping teleportation magic circle is simply not enough to look at.

The teleportation ability of a teleportation array is not judged by its size, but depends on the degree of overlap of its magic array diagrams. The more times a teleportation array overlaps its magic array diagrams, the more units it can teleport, and the farther its teleportation distance will be. safer.

The teleportation array can also use a large number of magic crystals to increase the units that can be teleported and the teleportation distance, but that is very unsafe.Because the teleportation array has a probability of failure, using magic crystals to increase the teleportation ability will amplify the probability of failure.

Normal use of the teleportation array, the probability of failure is almost negligible, and it may not be touched once in tens of thousands of years, but it is hard to say that using a large number of magic crystals to overload the teleportation array.In history, there was even an emperor who unfortunately encountered a chance of failure when he was overloaded with the teleportation array, and was lost in the dimensional space forever. Uh, it is very possible that this emperor traveled to another world.

If the magic array map of the teleportation array can overlap to nine layers, not only the teleportation ability will become extremely exaggerated, but the failure rate can be almost eliminated.Although there has never been a nine-fold overlapping teleportation array in the Titan Continent, the two great magisters can deduce this basic theory.

Even the failure probability of the double overlapping teleportation array is extremely low, and it is not impossible for the nine overlapping teleportation arrays to eliminate the failure rate.

The large-scale teleportation array is a problem that cannot be solved in the magic world for tens of thousands of years. Just now, Li Feng's exclamation reminded Amos and Efilas to wake up, knowing that they might be eye-opening today.

Li Feng was still a little ignorant, and after listening to the incoherent gestures of the two masters for a long time, he finally understood.

Li Feng's first thought was to spread the large teleportation array across the entire Titan Continent, and then do business to grab money.

Yes, it is money grabbing.

It would take at least a year for the caravans of Atlantis to go to the Orc Empire, and then detour from the Parthia trade road, and they would have to take huge risks on the way, and they would be in danger of being destroyed at every turn. Is it because of the huge profits that attract these businessmen?
But if there is a large teleportation array, Li Feng can buy goods from one area at the cheapest price, and then sell them to other areas thousands of miles away at dozens or even hundreds of times the price. Isn't this a money grab?Robbery is not as fast as this money.

However, it is still unknown whether a large-scale teleportation array can be made, so Li Feng is not complacent for the time being. He doesn't even know how to make a teleportation array, so he can only ask the two masters for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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