The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1517 Unlucky Judy

Chapter 1517 Unlucky Judy (26)
"I'm going to spread the second teleportation array to the city of the other side. By the way, send a flying letter first, so that Jessica and the others don't have to travel long distances. After the teleportation array is set up, just teleport it there." Li Feng patted his head, He quickly wrote a note and sent it to Jessica with a fireworks flying letter wrist wheel.

In fact, Heimuya still needs to lay two teleportation arrays, and Li Feng plans to place the other teleportation array outside Heimuya. Now the space coordinates of this teleportation array must be kept strictly confidential, otherwise the enemy will sneak into Heimuya through the teleportation array. If the cliff comes, it will be a lot of fun.The teleportation array receives the teleportation objects, but they don't distinguish between friends and foes, so Li Feng has to guard against them.

"Wait, there shouldn't be enough teleportation arrays for big living people in a small city like Bi'an City, right? When you set up a teleportation array in Bi'an City, don't you have to travel long distances and fly there?" Gerald frowned: "Now Heimuya is surrounded by enemies, do you have so much time to waste?"

"Hey, Shanren has his own clever plan. The teleportation array in Bi'an City can be set up in up to two hours." Li Feng smiled mysteriously, "Mentor, Dean, please help me deal with the materials first, I will I can't make it myself."

Chapter 438 Ask Pluto for Help
After Amos and Eferas finished processing the materials, Li Feng put them all into the Starry Sky Ring, and then, while everyone was stunned, he used the ghost-commoning technique to summon a blood-patterned ghost wolf.

Before everyone knew what Li Feng was up to, they saw him beat the wolf to death with three punches and two kicks. When the wolf fled back to the underworld with its tail between its legs, Li Feng also grabbed the wolf. With his tail, he bared his teeth and showed a bright smile to everyone, and was dragged into the underworld by the ghost wolf.

Li Feng was inspired by the experience of His Majesty Hades, and came up with the simplest way to enter the underworld when he couldn't use the magic strike.

However, Pluto was bitten in the thigh by a monster of the underworld and dragged into the underworld passively, but Li Feng grabbed the tail of the underworld wolf and broke into the underworld on his own initiative.

The ghost-linking summoning technique is much safer than the different time-space summoning magic. The auxiliary monsters summoned by the different-time-space summoning magic are random, but the ghost-linking summoning technique is a targeted and fixed-point summoning.The location Li Feng locked was the habitat of the blood-striped ghost wolf, so the last summoned must be this kind of ghost beast, unless the blood-striped ghost wolf was all driven away by more powerful ghost beasts.

The ghost wolf is just a high-level ghost beast, and it is easy to deal with. Li Feng didn't want to summon a huge ghost beast with a high level.

Necromancer Summoning is the patent of necromancers, and it was only when everyone came back to their senses that they discovered this in shock.

Although Amos had proved that magic had nothing to do with belief, everyone was still horrified when they saw Li Feng suddenly use undead magic.

Li Feng's strength has been recognized by everyone. If such a super strong man is drawn into the camp of necromancers, it will really be the end of the Titan Continent.Just with the three artifacts in Li Feng's hands, it's hard to know how many powerful people can be killed in seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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