The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1525 Unlucky Judy

Chapter 1525 Unlucky Judy (34)
Chapter 440

"Stukley, what are the ranks of these necromancers?" Li Feng stood on the edge of Heimu Cliff, facing the cold wind, and asked with a smile at a strong man standing behind him.

This burly man was dressed in a strange way. On the extremely cold Blackwood Cliff, he was actually only wearing weird clothes woven from emerald green leaves, and only covered a few vital points.On the bare chest, there are pieces of muscle like cast iron, and thick chest hair, wild and rough to the point.

Thirty soldiers stood behind the strong man, dressed exactly like the strong man, rough and unrestrained, with a sturdy look.

"Three great magisters, eight great magisters, and forty great magicians, and the rest are all high-ranking magicians." Hearing Li Feng's question, the strong man replied expressionlessly.

"Haha, the strength of the necromancer is really exaggerated, but it's too arrogant to want to eat Heimuya with just this person." Li Feng sneered: "Stokley, your virtue Rui is known as the Son of Nature, a great race that is closer to nature than elves, and is a sworn enemy different from Necromancers, so he must have a lot of experience in how to deal with Necromancers, right?"

Stukley nodded, and said: "Don't worry, Master Allen, my thirty members are the most powerful druid fighters, and we add up to be enough to deal with at least three great wizards." .”

Hey, it wasn't just Li Feng who was taken aback by Stukli's words, but the two great magisters, Amos and Eferas, who were standing beside Li Feng, stared sideways for a while.

Thirty fighters can fight against three great mages, which is a bit ridiculously strong. Druids are indeed a famous and powerful fighting race.

A total of 31 Druid warriors, including Stoker, had just arrived at Blackwood Cliff early this morning.

It is not an exaggeration for Druids to call themselves the children of nature. The forest is their home.Even the elves will be attacked by monsters, but druids have never had such troubles.At this point, druids are much stronger than elves.No matter how violent the monsters or magic plants are, they will never harm Druids. Druids are their natural friends.

Necromancer represents death, and Druid, who advocates nature, is a pair of natural enemies.The change of the necromancer in the mountain made the druid warriors known as the sons of nature no longer able to keep calm. They left the tribe one after another, looking for forces to take refuge in, in order to fight against the necromancer.

Of course, the most powerful force in Mount Everest was Blackwood Cliff, so after these druid warriors left the tribe, they went straight to Blackwood Cliff without any hesitation.

Every adult druid warrior has at least two kinds of innate transformation magic, one is to transform into an eagle and soar in the sky, and the other is to transform into a bear to fight the enemy close to hand.

When these 31 druid fighters flew to Heimuya in the early morning, they were almost regarded as magical beasts by the Heimuya fighters, and all of them were shot down.

(End of this chapter)

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