The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1530 Magic Feast

Chapter 1530 Magic Feast (2)
The rest of the necromancers were also severely injured, but they didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corners of their mouths, so they hurriedly shook their hands and tore off the life-saving magic scroll at the bottom of the press box, and blessed themselves with the strongest magic shield , while desperately running away.

These necromancers are really unlucky. Before even releasing any magic, more than half of them were killed by magic backlash.

They just approached Blackwood Cliff hundreds of meters away without any scruples before they began to chant spells, and now they finally paid for their arrogance.At such a short distance, how can he reach the range of high-level magic all of a sudden?

It is impossible to imagine the splendor of this moment. Everyone saw only a piece of blue water in front of them, as if they were suddenly in the sea with huge waves.

At this moment, a total of [-] hurricane waves with a length of tens of meters pierced through the air, and all their targets were aimed at the necromancer who was fleeing in midair.

Li Feng previously let [-]% of the water magicians learn all the high-level group magic of Hurricane Slash. Once the monotonous magic attack has a huge number of superpositions, the consequences will be beyond everyone's imagination. outside.

The roaring Hurricane Slash instantly drowned out all the necromancers.When the hurricane wave shot away into the distance, the place where the necromancer was originally was already empty.

Under this attack, which was more terrifying than the forbidden curse, no one could survive, not even the sanctuary mage.All the necromancers were directly smashed into scum by the [-] hurricane waves, and they were truly dead without complete corpses, even the three great necromancers were no exception.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and everyone seemed to be choked by the throat suddenly, unable to even utter an exclamation.

The lineup of necromancers is so powerful, there are three great wizards, eight great wizards, forty great magicians, and dozens of high-level magicians.

With so many strong people, only the ultimate magical attack like the forbidden spell can kill them in one fell swoop, but facing such a powerful lineup, which magician can release the forbidden spell leisurely?
Moreover, the holding time of forbidden spell magic often lasts for several hours, who would be stupid enough to bear the forbidden spell?

Such a long time is enough for the necromancer to run hundreds of miles away.

But with such a powerful lineup, [-] great water-type magicians only used a wave of attacks, and they were instantly submerged, and they were all blasted into dregs, without even a scream.

Today's exaggerated scene will definitely be passed down through the ages and become the favorite story told by bards. Oh, this is not a story, but something that actually happened. It is a story that will be forever engraved in the history of Titan Continent epic.

After a long time, everyone was finally able to let out a groan as if they were dying.

It wasn't until this time that everyone saw that the damage caused by the other four hundred magicians could not be underestimated either.The densely packed undead creatures were bombarded by four hundred magics of various pedigrees, and at least half of them had fallen down.

(End of this chapter)

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